Did Ben Franklin Really Want the Turkey to Be the National Bird? Ben Franklin was quite the guy. Not only was he one of the founding fathers of the USA that we know and love today, but he is the person that that the town of Franklin, MA was named after. 25 years ago, when I started selling ...
If My Dad Says Maybe It Means No - Reading between the Lines There are some things that just make you laugh. It happens to all of us in all aspects of life. We ask a question. We hear the answer, the words that are spoken that is, but we don't pay attention to the meaning. In the back of...
Do You Encourage Someone Who You Think Might Be A Great Realtor? I wonder. When we meet someone that seems to have the skill set that would make them a Real Estate super star, Do you encourage them to think about the profession? Great "people" people. We hear it all the time, but honestly, ther...
Selling Your Home During The Holidays Facts to Consider Seller's always question and want to know. Should I put my home on the market now? (November and December) or should I wait until after the holiday's? It is a good question, for many reasons. Logic might tell someone that Buyer traff...
Charity Flag Football Event November 17 Millis MA Buddy Bowl This is the 4th year that Millis MA will host a Buddy Bowl. You need not be a Millis Resident to play. In fact, the more participants, the more fun, so come on down and let's play some football! What's a Buddy Bowl? A Buddy Bowl ...
Is this House Haunted? Stigmatized Properties Properties that have been the site of a murder, suicide death or a haunting have long been considered "stigmatized". As a Seller are you required to disclose this known fact to a potential purchaser? As a purchaser do you feel you should be to...
Let Us Reserve The Word Hero For Those That Have Actually Earned It Veteran's Day 2012 Today is the day we celebrate our Veterans as true American heroes. They have earned it with their service to our country. Many have paid with their lives. Many have lost a piece of themselves in service. ...
Marine Corps Birthday November 10 2012 November 10, 2012 marks the 237th "birthday" of the United States Marine Corps. Marines all over the world will take time out to celebrate this event with ceremonies, balls and the like. It is no surprise to anyone that has been reading my blogs for somet...
Is Radon Gas A Problem In Your Home? Radon Gas.... you can't see it.... you can't smell can't taste it.... But is it problem in your home? The experts say the only way to tell is to test! According to the Surgeon General... radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the US ...
353 Center St Bellingham MA Sold by Al and Cal Remax Executive Realty Dreams do come true! A very happy family is moving in to the home at 353 Center Street in Bellingham, MA courtesy of Al and Cal Realty Group from Remax Executive Realty. They found a terrific home and didn't hesitate to ma...