Even though lending has become very tough, there are qualified buyers out there! Here is what has sold and is pending a sale in Calabasas between October 1, 2008 and now: 9 properties in 'Backup Offers' status, from $699K - $2,850,000 10 homes are 'Pending' a sale, from $575K - $2,775,000 28 hom
Hang in there, it's just a matter of time until homes will sell again like crazy. We are seeing multiple offers on those homes that are way below current market rate, but others are sitting and waiting for buyers. I'm a true believer in "Everthing happens for a reason". I believe that this cri
Are we truly in a "Buyer's Market"? What we have experienced this past year, buyers, sellers and realtors, is that it's mostly a "Lender's Market". Why? Because the current market rate is controlled by foreclosures and foreclosures are controlled by the Lenders. There are three types of prop