Buyer Mistake Numer Three: Letting Charm Cloud Your Judgment. From Cece Blase and the SFRealEstateBuzz The Wall Street Journal recently published a sharp, smart article about the Five Biggest Mistakes Buyers Make. This week's mistake is "Letting Charm Cloud Your Judgment." I'd actually reframe t
San Francisco Distressed Home Market From Cece Blase and the SFRealEstateBuzz A client recently contacted me about shopping for a foreclosure in South Beach-- she has targeted that specific neighborhood and The Brannan in particular. She wondered if a better deal could be driven on a bank-owned
$1,095,000 //Lake District // BR/BA: 3+/1.5 PKG: 2 Large two story 3+ bedroom top-floor condo in a gorgeous two unit Arts & Crafts building just off Lake St. Remodeled kitchen & bath, excellent floor plan, bright & open, 2 large decks, office/family room, in-unit w/d, large shared yard, and close
Last Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal published a smart, savvy article on the "Five Mistakes Home Buyers Make." I found it so helpful that I'm expanding on each mistake every few days. This week's mistake is 'guesstimating how much you can afford. I love this mistake because the buyers avoid it
Nesting in North Beach 835 Filbert was one of the nicest condos I saw in North Beach last week on Tuesday Tour, given its location, quality of construction and price point. It has 2BR/2BA, 935 square feet and is listed for $835,000-- there may be room in the price, because it's been on the market
Buyer Mistake Number One: Snubbing the Real Estate Agent. From The SFRealEstateBuzz Last Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal published an article called the "Five Mistakes Home Buyers Make." Their advice was practical-- and unusual. Instead of stating the obvious, like "Know What You Can Afford" a
You Paid How Much for That? What Costs How Much Where in San Francisco From the SFRealEstateBuzz Low, High & Median Sales Prices & Average Dollar per Square Foot San Francisco MLS Home Sales: February 15, 2010 - August 15, 2010 Median Sales Price is that price at which half the properties sold f
So I just found this. And I just downloaded it. And now I'm wondering if it was a good idea. . . not only because I can't figure out how to find the tool now, but because I'm wondering if I really want an outside 'big brother' monitoring how I use the web. . . and poking my nose into my privacy.
Traps and Trips with Fluff and Flips From Cece Blase and the SFRealEstateBuzz. I met a newbie real estate investor recently who was quite excited about a nifty piece of real estate she had found. As I listened to her tell me about it, all I could think about was how she needed to do her homework
An agent friend of mine recently hired a Feng Shui (pronounced "fung schway") practitioner to engage in the ancient Chinese practice to 'cleanse' a listing that wasn't selling. I'm not sure what the practitioner did, but afterwards she told the agent to expect an offer within a week. What the Fen