Charles's Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Auction Brokers & Investors United
Advanced creative real estate TIPS - How to Control & Roll, Increase income, create profit centers. Suggestions on how to increase income and profits in the real estate business.
49  Vintage NewspapersWhen telephoning classified advertisers, have you ever been told, "I've got someone else who is interested?"  Real estate classified ads are a popular source of leads for many investors.  To bypass the competition, consider making calls from vintage newspapers (several month...
47  Explore Expired ListingsWhen property that is listed by a real estate agent fails to sell by the end of the listing term, it becomes an "expired listing."  Listings expire for reasons such as undesirable location, poor condition, ineffective promotion, listing mistakes, default by a buyer, or...
45  Inquire with InspectorsA well-spring of real estate leads is the public record of housing code violations.  Owners of properties with violations may be motivated by the costs of fines, court, repairs, liability and credit issues, jail time, back taxes, opportunity costs, or by the embarrassme...
43  Prospect by ProbateProbate is the process of transferring property from the estate of a decedent (a person who has died) to beneficiaries.  Find estate situations through courthouse proceedings, newspaper obituaries, estate attorneys, financial planners, or directors of funeral homes, cemeter...
  41  Attend an Open HouseFor real estate investors, open houses are opportunities to network, purchase property, and learn.  Use the Sunday paper to make a list of upcoming open houses.  Attend, meet buyers and investors, talk to agents, make trial offers, study their sales strategies, and learn...
39  Be a Guerilla MarketerAdvertising for real estate need not be expensive; communicate your message anywhere people are.  Create a bi-fold flyer and buy promotional products such as pens, calendars, and magnetic business cards with your message, phone number and Web site.  Distribute them every...
Interview with a Professional Mortgage Foreclosure AuctioneerListen in to hear an interview with Charlie Makowski, a local foreclosure auctioneer, having conducted and sold thousands of properties at foreclosure auction at the court house steps in Maryland, his insights to foreclosure with entert...
Confessions of a Professional Mortgage Foreclosure AuctioneerListen in to hear an interview with a Foreclosure Auctioneer.Charlie Makowski has conducted thousands of foreclosure auctions at the court house steps in Maryland. He has seen investors make giant profits at the court house steps.Learn ...
37  Let Your Fingers do the TalkingOnline real estate bulletin boards and chat rooms can be a wellspring of free investment information.  Read posts, send replies, ask for advice, request referrals, post property for sale, post announcements, and search the archives.  From behind their firewall, ...
35  Read the Financial NewspaperFinancial newspapers offer real estate information that is unavailable in conventional papers.  Buy a copy and read articles about real estate, zoning, and government buying incentives.  Browse the business calendar for networking events.  Learn to identify notices...

Charles Parrish

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smartphone(443) 253-3886
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A wealth of techniques and ideas to advance real estate business.