The Ramblings of a Baltimore Area Realtor

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Real Estate Agent - Coldwell Banker Realty - MD RE License 579412
Why Baltimore? Home buying and selling tips and advice for the Baltimore area Real Estate market. Things to see and do in the Baltimore area.



Seek entertainment. When there's nothing you can do about the situation, take your mind off of it altogether. Maybe you expected loan approval on Friday, but now it won't come until Monday. You hate being in limbo and feeling powerless. So do something else entirely, maybe something empowering. T...
So this morning I log on to the internet and find a message from Paul Kamara through activerain.  Paul lives in the Ivory Coast and has a substantial sum of money he has inherited from his late father who was a chief and earned money from a number of different sources until he was killed by rebel...
What is your option? When things don't go as smoothly as you had hoped, don't let emotions take over. Always ask yourself "What are my options?",  because there are always options.  For example, perhaps the lender takes longer than agreed upon to get your loan.  He keeps asking you for more and m...

June Piper-Brandon

Creating Generational Wealth Through Homeownership
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