We Weathered the Alabama Storm: Thanks for Your Thoughtfulness Wow is just about all that I can say. But following that, are my heartfelt thanks to all the ActiveRainers who sent text messages, emails and even a few phone calls to make sure I was okay. Fortunately no member of my family was affe
The pre-approved buyer. Those are words to me ears. But like BLiz, I'll do a freebie showing the first time, but a buyer would be hard-pressed to get me to continue to show them homes without that coveted pre-approval letter."But It's Your Job To Show Houses!!" That's a quote we'd NORMALLY agre
I Wish I Had Listened to You This is an email that I recently received from someone who contacted me about a year ago. Good afternoon Mrs. Charita, Hello again this is _________________and we spoke briefly last year when I was interested in doing a lease purchase home. Well I wish I would have
FREE Subway Seminars Held Daily: Topic is Always Teamwork This morning I read Alan May's post on adversarial real estate transactions and shortly after I wrote Oh You Mean You Want Me to Sell the Listing Too? Afterward I went to lunch at Subway. There were 2 servers working behind the counter p
Vestavia Hills Open House One Day Sale, May 1, 2011 2pm-5pm 1364 Willoughby Road Vestavia Open House One Day Sale May 1, 2011 2-5 Overview Maps Photos Description $199,500 Single Family Home Main Features 3 Bedrooms2 Bathrooms1 Unit Location 1364 Willoughby RoadVestavia Hills, AL 35226USA To ge
In a nutshell, Candy has managed to convey why so many people enter the real estate business. The title of the post says it all. Two things will happen once they enter though: The illusion will quickly be recognized as just that and the new agent will exit quickly They will fall in love with th
Can You Send Me an Email? Sometimes You Just Have to Deal With People on Their Terms Some agents resent that other agents prefer to communicate by email. Picking up the phone and calling someome is often referred to as "the lost art." There is absolutely nothing quite like those face to face m
My friend Sussie here thinks that QR Codes are a fad. I'm not quite sure I agree with her YET. As agent we are tempted to try so many things that seem to be exciting and the ONE that will garner us great results. But like I said on Sussie's post, at least QR Codes won't break the bank.There hav
This is just too funny but too true all at the same time. Pets add an entire dimension to home sales and the instructions for how to deal with pets run the gamut in the MLS agents notes. But I have to agree whole heartedly with Wanda's interpretation.Message: DO NOT attempt to pet the dogs = DO
A Contract Is Not a Document Just for Your Leisurely Reading Pleasure I take the real estate contract very seriously and as a part to the contract you should too as well as the representing real estate agents (but that's just my opinion). contract 1) n. an agreement with specific terms between tw