Over the years, I have yet to hear a single validadtion of why a second appraisal is required on flip properties. I think it is a worthles practice that does nothing more than pretend that there is a real purpose behind the farce. But as Beverly warns, both buying and selling agents must be vig
....and I am 7lbs, 21 inches long, born at 11:53am
Baby Girl will you just come on. Don't make us wait much longer. Ok, ok, ok, you're the boss so just come when you're ready but we already know your birthday is October 12, 2012. In the meantime, We'll continue to sit, talk, pace the floor, post updates right here at Brookwood Hospital until y
I don't know about you, but I think Gene, AR's all time favorite lender, deserves a very hearty congratlations on his latest move to American Portfolio Corporation. The "Welcome" mat will be out, the coffee will be on, and I'll be glad to see you at my new American Portfolio Mortgage Corp. off