How much business are you generating from your website? Do you even have a website? According to NAR, many agents don't have a personal website. With 84% of consumers searching the web, don't you want to have an online presence? Think of a website like a listing- it is a way to market yourse
Just a thought... In a challenging market, it is so important to watch how we talk to ourselves. The market in many areas is tough. It has been that way for awhile in many states: Florida, Arizona, California, etc. It can be easy to get discouraged. This is not the t
According to NAR, 78% of buyers will use the lender YOU recommend. Most purchasers do not know about the different types of lending programs available. Many buyers do not know who can really get the job done. Most buyers still shop interest rates. However, there are many more sale fails than i
This week while presenting "How to Get Your Listings Sold in Today's Market," to a smart, motivated class of real estate professionals, we had a lively discussion. I was teaching pricing techniques. We all know that price is the key to a sale - especially in this market! (Condition and staging
I have a Virtual Assistant. (I am so grateful!) Some skills I just do not have, and quite frankly do not want to learn. Doing some of the onerous tasks takes me at least twice as long and I don't do them as well. Besides, I just don't like to do a lot of the detail work. I consider what is the hi
In the last blog, I mentioned some of the data collected on Gen X and Y. There were some insightful comments posted as well- thanks so much fellow bloggers! This week I was preoccupied by the Hurricanes in the SE. My daughter and her family live in New Orleans. They evacuated safely for Katrina a
There are 73 million Gen Y, also called Millennials. They comprise 32% of all homebuyers and are 39% of 1st time buyers. They were born between 1977 and 1994. This generation is really overscheduled. They are well educated and have good jobs. Many have a fair amount of college debt. They are tech
Gen Xer's or Baby Busters were born between 1965- 1976. There are 50 million of them. They comprise 33% of all homebuyers. They make up 40% of all 1st time homebuyers. They are considered the original "latchkey kids." They survived on fast foods and microwave ovens. Gen X pride themselves on thei
There are 76 million Baby Boomers. Boomers were born after the end of WWII, between about 1946 - 1964. Boomers have long been considered the "Me" Generation. It's been all about them for a long time. They are the generation who said, "You can't trust anyone over 30." There is a Boomer turning 60
Here is another great tool! (FREE) Go to to watch clever, informative tutorials on RSS feeds, blogging, social networking and many other topics. This is one of the most innovative sites I have seen. As an individual, it is fun to watch and learn. As a manager of an office, I'