CJ's Blog ~ Discover Northeast Los Angeles

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OK... now let's see if I can add a three column panel for Google Adsense ads above the content columns in the Thesis Theme. No, you would probably not want to display ads on any of your professional real estate blogs.  But there are people who create multiple separate blogs on various other topic...
For anyone not familiar with my style here:  Active Rain is one of my favorite places to save miscellaneous notes to myself.  But I also figure, if I need to save these notes, maybe someone else will also find them helpful.  To use a customer banner in the Thesis Theme for WordPress. Create the b...
Wayne Golliday left a comment on my post about OpenHook for Thesis.  I had not noticed his name before, so I clicked through to his profile and blog. This post made me LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. 2...
Are you using the Thesis theme on any of your WordPress(.org) blogs?  And you'd like to use "hooks" for custom styling, but you just haven't had time to get up-to-speed- on hooking?  :-) The OpenHook Plug In is for you. You can download OpenHook here:  http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/thesis-o...
Have you seen this scam yet? You receive an email sent from one of your friend's own email addresses with your friend's own email signature at the end, asking for money because of an emergency. Here are two variations I have seen so far: 1.  How are you doing? I am sorry I didn't inform you about...
Birth of My Grandmother - Mita Cuaron Sunday, January 24, 2010 from 1:00-3:30 pm Please join us for a "round table" discussion with the artists of our Testimonies Two exhibition as we explore and dialogue on questions of spirituality in art and thoughts on working towards a theme-based show.  Yo...
Please re-post. Mike Little passed away 1/2/10.  He had 2 dogs that desperately need good homes. Max:  2 yr old male lab mix - neutered - very docile  (Max spent his lifein the pound until Mike adopted him last summer) Patty:  2 yr old female wire haired jack russell terrier - spayed - verysweet/...
Here's my current plan for moving to to a Virtual Dedicated Server. Initially sign up for a short term plan.  Yes, short term is a little more per month, but I want to be sure I can manage this before making a long term commitment. Leave all my current hosting account sites where they are. Upload...
I have about 20 shared hosting accounts (5 of which are WPMu installations).  I am beginning to think it is time to pull them all into a Virtual Dedicated Server. Anyone reading this using a VDS?  Any comments?  Advice?  Setup or administration headaches?  Please tell me!!
I have about 20 shared hosting accounts (5 of which are WPMu installations).  I am beginning to think it is time to pull them all into a Virtual Dedicated Server. Anyone reading this using a VDS?  Any comments?  Advice?  Setup or administration headaches?  Please tell me!!

Cheryl Johnson

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