To get he had tried, yet his store was still meager. To a wise man he cried, in a voice keen and eager; Pray tell me how I may successfully live? And the wise man replied, "To get you must give." As to giving he said, "What have I to give?" I've scarce enough bread, and of course one must live
736 Joes Lake Road, Cambridge is a new listing I noticed on the BEST ASSETS website. I have not seen the home come up on the MLS yet so this is a home that a lot of buyers might not know about. The link to the info is here:
It might seem like a simple concept! Of course you should EXPECT what you WANT! However, the results most people get don't reflect what they want. We could all debate why that is. The individual can justify and rationalize why that is, but when it comes down to it their FAITH isn't strong enoug
I have increased my sales and production in the last two years while putting in less hours. One of the biggest differences for me in the last couple of years is that I have developed a PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS. I used to spend more time focusing on the NOT ENOUGH or LACK and when I became aware
Many of today's real estate transactions can WEAR YOU OUT. Closings can be delayed because of title issues, underwriting delays, septic issues, and a plethora of other challenges. Plus the more sales you have going on as a Realtor the more you probably have to worry about. I tend to be someone
When it gets too cold out, most people don't want to move. When the holidays are near by people are too busy to look at houses. Year after year I find that it slows down this time of year because less people are looking for homes. However, if you are in a position to buy a home now, use this ti
Its been a long time coming for me to actually make good football picks, but in back to back weeks I won the Pick The Pros prize dished out by Wells Fargo in my area. Basically you just pick the winner of each NFL game (excluding Mondays) and whoever has the best record wins a prize. I came into