What I learned form Noah's Ark. Many of us can use a few words of wisdom to cope with the current changes in the real estate industry. It makes no difference if we are in involved in global transactions or just helping buy and sell in the local real estate market of Wayne NJ, such is my case. Noa...
The New Better CMA vs The Old Way. Those of us that have been preparing comparable market analysis for a while know that this report is a compilation of listings available for sale, listings that are under contract and listings that have closed for a specific town, area or neighborhood. Some real...
 Spooky Video of Wayne NJ Happy Halloween!I had so much fun taking shots of spooky and fun decor of residential properties in Wayne NJ. I thought I would share. I hope you enjoy this.Have a Happy and Safe Halloween.
Free Real Estate Tool - Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer - I just came across this free real estate advertising tool. The Advanced Marketing Website offers this tool that will analyze your headline to determine the Emotional Marketing Value or EMV of your advertising headline. I tested...
Controlling property taxes in New Jersey On Oct 10, 2011, the New Jersey Association of REALTORS® (NJAR®) Governmental Research Foundation (GRF) released a group of three reports on methods of controlling property taxes in New Jersey Two of the reports researched the economic benefit of consolida...
Helpful Website for anyone in Real Estate.... As Per the official Website, HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for qu...
Help for flooded Business In N.J.  " Special Meeting for the Passaic County Business Community" Oct 3, 2011 This morning, As a local REALTOR in Northern New Jersey, I asked how can I get the word out about a "Special Meeting for The Passaic County Business Community". After reading the announceme...
inShare Is the pre-inspection of a property worth the expense? I am writing this post because you may be in the process of purchasing a home or selling and require the services of a home inspector. If you are selling a property you may be asking yourself "is it worth the expense" for a pre-inspec...
Need a Home Inspector for North Jersey I am writing this post because you may be in the process of purchasing a home and need a homei inspector. Most likely your REALTOR has already given you some recommendations but just incase I would like to provide you with a list of inspectors that are also ...
Programs for those 50 plus in North Jersey. Living in North Jersey is a benefit for those that are 50 plus. There is a something for everyone in North Jersey including those in the 50 plus group. Many of our municipalities offer gardening, lectures, clubs, crafts and more for this select group of...

Dolores "Dee" Mauriello

Realtor, Homes For Sale Wayne NJ
local_phone(973) 696-0077
smartphone(973) 979-7375
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