IRS Tax Credit for Energy Home Improvements. Spring is in the air, the sky is blue, the grass is growing, the flowers are..... Hey wait a minute not yet! As a Realtor in  Wayne New Jersey it is visible that the weather has improved but I can still see vestiges of snow on the ground.  Slow down ca...
Tax information is available for Wayne NJ residents and all New Jersey residents. As Wayne New Jersey real estate professional and to better serve my clients I do my best to stay updated on what is happening in the local news. Wayne is such a great community to live in. Thanks to the internet we ...
Things to do for a good open house. This morning I went to Weight Watchers. Although I have so much to do for an open house later in the day. I listened as the speaker explained that to succeed we should make each meal appeal to all our senses for a "feel good experience". She advised to take the...
Activerain Camp in New York was awesome. What a beautiful day (January 12, 2010) in New York City. The brisk temperature went unnoticed thanks to the hustle bustle and excitement in the air. I departed from the Park and Ride on Route 23 in Wayne New Jersey. Fortunately the bus 324 runs about ever...
Wayne New Jersey is a Charitable Community. During the holidays residents of Wayne New Jersey demonstrate a charitable spirit with many good deeds. Some examples are: School bus drivers at the municipal North Cove bus depot donate sick days to a co-worker suffering from cancer. George Washington ...
The  Wayne Township Website offers a great tool for its residents. As a local Realtor it is important that I keep in touch with rules,  regulation and code in Wayne New Jersey. I find this new tool a great resource for obtaining information with just a few clicks. You can get answers from any of ...
I am looking forward to attending the RainCamp in New York at the Marriot Marquis in Times Square on January 12, 2010. This is the first opportunity that I have to attend such a stellar event. I am not sure if I will be driving into the city or using public transportation. I will decide when I he...
When is the best time to take outdoor photos? Have you seen exterior shots of properties and wonder why they are even posted on the MLS. Shadows are everywhere or in some areas the sun is bright and you don't know what you are looking at? There is a trick to taking these outdoor photos. Some prof...
Wayne Township Council Preserves Wayne's Beauty. Wayne, New Jersey residents feel relief. At Wednesday's town council meeting new regulation was approved governing the erecting of wind turbines in Wayne New Jersey. The new ruling will allow turbines only in industrial zones These areas are situat...
Is Real estate a good investment?   In today's economic situation the old rules of play are no longer in place. Some business are not doing as well as in past years. People are concerned about the future,  their jobs and those with job security are to be envied by all. Nonetheless, most people ar...

Dolores "Dee" Mauriello

Realtor, Homes For Sale Wayne NJ
local_phone(973) 696-0077
smartphone(973) 979-7375
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