For all of you Seinfeld fans out there, I am afraid that you are going to be disappointed by this post! For those of you who have no idea what that means, you may find this post more interesting... When it comes to real estate and the rental market, what does it mean to be the Master of you
Ahhh...the holidays. Is there anything more enjoyable and satisfying about the holiday season than porking out on a bunch of turkey, stuffing, and pie? I think not. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to a good friend of mine: Tryptophan. I am sure that the vast majority of you are
Ever since the Countrywide crash, the rental market in Southern California has taken off. I suspect that there are many reasons for this, but I would hazard a guess to say that the main reason is this: It is harder than ever to qualify for a home loan, that good quality people are turning to
An interesting phenomenon has come to my attention lately. With foreclosures on the rise and people struggling to make their mortgage payments, it seems as though people would be anxious for a way out. Surprisingly however, very few of them will even consider renting out their properties. I
I have noticed that several of my favorite bloggers have been doing a "six pack" blog to reminisce about their most popular writings. In light of that discovery, I figured, what the heck? I may as well slap up my six just for giggles! Ladies and gentlemen, a drum roll please...Topping my ch
I decided to write a blog and ask all of my fellow Rainers a question that has had me wondering for a while. You see, one of the rental homes that we manage had a water leak in the middle of the night about six weeks ago. We contracted an emergency water restoration company to come out and f
I was inspired to write this post after realizing that I was becoming more and more of a target for stand up comedy. Of course, being the good natured fellow that I am, I usually don't mind being the cause for someone else's laughter. However, with the gas prices the way they are, I have com
Well, to all of those who read this blog, I have a confession to make. I have not been able to summon any kind of creative juices for quite some time now. My last few blogs have kinda fizzled out, and I am stuck in a rut! I am always amazed by the people here on AR that are able to cont
A thought occurred to me today while I was perusing the latest and greatest from Active Rain. You see, I have a long list of people that I have subscribed to. I am constantly looking for more great bloggers to keep track of due to the fact that there is so much to be learned from people here
My house invaded earlier this year in a surprise move that has resulted in a massive list of casualties. So far, all of the casualties have been on the side of the enemy, but they are casualties none the less. These sneaky interlopers can be found crawling out from under baseboards, switch p