Let me assure you that the title of this post does not include any typos. I am not curious if anyone is sick OF real estate, but rather if any of you have ever been really sick IN real estate. Let me give you an example. I woke up two nights ago feeling like I had been gargling Drano. My
I sat down at my desk today and was instantly struck by an epiphany. I couldn't find a dang thing and it was time to do something about it. Basically, my desk looked as though a tornado had gone a few rounds with it, stepped back, had a cigarette, then gone in for seconds. It was not a pret
I am sure that several of you had to take a high-school aptitude test at some point of your scholastic lives. I am also fairly certain that there were more than a few of you that were somewhat surprised by the outcome of that test. I would like to say that I was one of them but unfortunately
Not long ago, I went on a mountain bike journey through the mountains to the north of my native Rosamond. I was joined on this particular day by a good friend of mine named Brian. Brian is a cool guy. He is the kind of guy who would shove a quarter up his nose on a dare. The kind of guy wh
Ladies and gentlemen, just today a blog was written by my boss John Evarts in an effort to introduce me to all of the fine folks on this site. You can read this fine piece of literature by clicking here. However, I could not in good conscience accept his praises without dispensing a few o
My house is worth at least $2,400 in rent every month. My sister lives one block away and she rented hers out for that much only one year ago! Ah, that my friends is the nail in the coffin. When you work in the rental field, you will probably encounter this type of a statement fairly often.
This weeks forecast calls for flash-flooding, tornadoes, and a high probability of spontaneous human combustion.Have you ever gotten any really crappy news? If you live on planet earth I am sure that you have. Hopefully nothing as severe as the headline above, but I am pretty certain that you h
Why would anyone want to live in the desert?!? This is the question that I get from a lot of my friends who live down south in the Los Angeles area. The truth is, I can't really blame them for asking! In this day and age, the only desert most people see is Iraq! Unfortunately, that limited ex
Scientists have known for years that smoking "grass" can fry brain matter, but the grass I am talking about is literally that.....grass. When you work in the rental market, there are always going to be times when a property under your management goes vacant. This is just a natural course of
We are gathered here today to celebrate and remember the life of a dear friend, Positive Cash Flow. Our time with Mr. Cash Flow was marked by happiness, hope, and most importantly, prosperity. Although we may never truely understand the irrational thinking that led to the death of our friend