What in the world is "BarCamp?" Why should you be there? The first time I heard about a BarCamp was last year. I drove down to one in Portland. The all day conf was FREE and was focusing on social media. My head was spinning as I left because it was so full with new information. Then I was o...
This is the schedule for the day at Real Estate BarCamp in Seattle at the Lake Union Armory on Tuesday, Sept 8th. Real Estate BarCamp as an event that is happening in cities all over the country is often referred to as an "unconference." At the one I helped organize and sponsor in Seattle we c...
That cell phone that you hold on to all day long is your connection to the world. And, yet, many of us are not using it most effectively. That phone is so important to your business and your relationship with your friends and family. First of all, it needs to be updated at least every two yea...
Only 60 days ago about a dozen volunteers with the assistance of one intern put together the largest FREE conference for Real Estate Agents ever in history in the Pacific Northwest! There are over 600 people registered for Real Estate BarCamp that had absolutely NO marketing budget. Not a singl...
A FREE one day conference for those in the real estate industry on Social Networking Tuesday, Sept 8th 8am til 5pm Lake Union Armory right there at the south end of the lake FREE including Lunch due to the sponsors (Natalie at is a sponsor and on the planning committee!) RSVP ...
There is no better way to learn, be more effective and grow as a real estate agent than to teach clockhour continuing education classes to other agents! Professional Direction has been training and writing classes for continuing ed in Washington State for the past 16 years. Are you thinking to y...
Where are you? Can you find yourself? Can your friends and family find you? Can your clients find you? Today, if I want to contact you, my first move is to search for you on So, have you “Googled” yourself? With all the millions of people in the world on the internet, does y...
Some of you are thinking..."Could it possibly get worse in our industry?" No matter what is happening around you there is humor! If you can't find some ... then come to my comedy shows! "I made the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would g...
For over a half dozen years I have taught classes on Real Estate Scams and Fraud. Agents would fill the classes but there were many that would argue that the "fraud" I was talking about was perfectly legal and being done every day. In one real estate office in Pierce County every agent in clas...
The news is always so negative. Sometimes I wonder if we will ever pull out of this slump. How will this economic disaster change my life? What do I need to do everyday to position myself for the changes ahead. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Now is the time we have to adjust to...