If you are thinking about buying a home, NOW is the time. If you are on the fence, it's time to get off and jump into the backyard of your new home ! With real estate prices being as low as they are today and the interest rates being at a historical low you will be amazed at what you can afford...
16420 Ford Road ROGUE RIVER, OR Secluded Home In The Woods 3BR/2BA Single Family House $259,900 Year Built 2004 Sq Footage 1,560 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors 1 Parking 2 Car garage Lot Size 9.39 acres HOA/Maint $0 per month DescriptionNewer 3 bedroom 2 bath home with open floor ...
This article ran in our local newspaper today. We are trying to get the word out to veterans who have been out on tour. Some of them qualify for the First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit of $8,000, which has been extended for some qualifing veterans. They have only a limited amount of time to take a...
Are you thinking of hiring a property management company to handle your rental property? How do you pick a good property manager? I have had rental property most of my life. I had worked as a property manager for many years. Here are 10 things that one should consider when hiring a property ma...
I had this article published in one of our local papers today... Exciting News For Veterans Windermere Investors Marketplace in Medford and Jacksonville has teamed up with David and Micah DuBeau of Sterling Savings Bank to let the veterans know that many of them may still be eligible for the $8,0...
When most people think about that question, they usually think about how much money they have in their savings or retirement account. I think it is really hard for people to put money in the bank and leave it alone. It is very hard to "save" for the future that way. There is a better way to sav...
Do you know how to get rid of all that stuff you don't want to take with you when you move? These days the answer could be only a click away. Craiglist is great for finding a home for the larger items around your house. It is very easy to post something on this site, all you need is an email a...
What can I do to sell my home faster? This is a question that most sellers should be asking their agents and themselves. Besides pricing it competitively, there are several things that the seller can do to increase their chances of a fast sale. You have to remember - you market your home diff...
Are you relying on Social Security as a source of income in your "golden years"? Most people are expecting their Social Security to support them or help support them when they are ready to retire. I am looking at my Social Security Statement from February 2010 right now and there is a very inte...
Buying rental property is a great idea, especially in this market... the prices are great and with the super low interest rates it can be very affordable. In the past with the higher housing prices it was hard to get the rent to cover the payment/expenses. This has changed in many areas with th...