
Speechless Sunday - Fastbreak  Ian leads the Parkdale 3rd/4th grade basketball team down the court on a fastbreak.   If you are looking to purchase a home in the Columbia Gorge region, be sure to check out  Home and Property Owners in Hood River, The Dalles, White Salmon, P...
Hood River County Little League As we are just finishing January, it's kind of hard to believe that spring is just around the corner. Little League and spring go together in our family, and the Hood River County Little League has announced sign ups for the 2011 season are next week and are as fol...
Speechless Sundays - Recruiting a New Member    Sam was at the Columbia Gorge Aeromodelers flying field Sunday morning showing his flying skills off to a friend. There may be one new young member of Columbia Gorge Aeromodelers pretty soon.    If you are looking to purchase a home in the Columbia ...
HOOD RIVER ADOPT-A-DOG PROGRAM Hood River Adopt-A-Dog is one of our favorite non-profit causes in our community. With four shelter dogs of our own, we would love to play a part in helping other homeless dogs find their forever homes. I'll be occasionally featuring a shelter dog here. I hope you'l...
Friday Spotlight - 2559 East 12th, The Dalles, OR 97058 All the details!     If you are looking to purchase a home in the Columbia Gorge region, be sure to check out  Home and Property Owners in Hood River, The Dalles, White Salmon, Parkdale, Goldendale and other Columbia G...
Winter's Sky Above Mt. Hood As I drove home from Hood River, south towards Mt. Hood, the clouds looked so interesting I just had to share. If you are looking to purchase a home in the Columbia Gorge region, be sure to check out  Home and Property Owners in Hood River, The D...
Another ColumbiaGorgeFSBO Home Sold - 2606 East 10th, The Dalles, OR 97058     If you are looking to purchase a home in the Columbia Gorge region, be sure to check out  Home and Property Owners in Hood River, The Dalles, White Salmon, Parkdale, Goldendale and other Columbia...
Missing Summer in Hood River It's destined to happen to me every winter. Once the holidays are long past and the snow has melted, leaving everything dirty and grey, I start to think about summer.  Those thoughts have begun seeping into my days lately. It's even worse now that I live in the Hood R...
Hood River School District Budget Crisis Tonight, January 24th, brought the third Hood River County School District public budget forum, this time in Cascade Locks. Closure of the Cascade Locks school is one of the options being discussed to make up for some of the Hood River County School Distri...
Speechless Sundays - Coaching Youth Basketball in the Columbia Gorge Coach Julie fires up the Parkdale Youth Basketball team (3rd & 4th graders) during their first game of the season.  Thanks Coach!   If you are looking to purchase a home in the Columbia Gorge region, be sure to check out Columbi...

Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly Right Real Estate

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