It’s that time of the year when everyone begins gearing up for the holiday season. In only a few weeks, we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving with friends and family, and focusing on the many things we have to be thankful for. It’s also a great time to show appreciation for your clients, new and old.
Have you ever come across a really creative product, and realized there were lots of ways you could use it in your business? I just did! PhotoStamps is a neat idea - you take a photo, any photo, and they’ll put it on real US stamps you can use. There are lots of ways you can use this. Use custom
We all know the economy is unstable right now, and everyone is concerned. Home sales are down, people are worried about finances, etc. But if you let this nervous, negative attitude become part of your day to day reality, then you can be sure it will take a toll on your business. People are still
When it comes to referrals, I often hear the argument that it's too hard to depend on referrals for business, because they are completely out of your control. I disagree. There are a few "secrets" you can add to your real estate business that will help groom your clients into creating a steady st
So you're ready to let your clients do the selling for you, and you decide to collect testimonials from all your clients. But the first few closings, you forget. After all, there are so many other details to take care of. You remember to ask the next few clients, and they say they'll be happy to
Now, I'm not talking about all the trees you'll save not sending direct mail advertisements. That's just a side benefit of blogging. No, I'm talking about recycling your blogging material. One of the biggest complaints I hear from agents is that blogging is very time consuming, or they're not goo
In addition to listening closely to your clients, make sure you're speaking to them honestly and openly as well. In fact, this can be the best way to get them talking. People don't want you to just spout out your marketing message. They want you to be candid, helpful and yourself. Read More: The
I talk a lot about connecting with your clients with your blog and other forms of marketing. But what then? How do you move from an interested reader to an active client? You have to ask. Remember, if you don't ask, you won't get. You could try the "Call Now for your Free Consultation" approach.
There's a second part to the memory quiz that was posted in Success and Wealth Talk. See my previous post if you missed the last one. Read More: How do you measure success and who do you remember? Let's see how you do on this one. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school. Name t
This quiz was posted in Success and Wealth Talk. It really made me think and I believe it will change your perspective too. People make the difference. We know it's true. At the same time, how often do we stop and ponder the differences people are making in our lives? What difference do you make