Are you collecting email addresses from your sphere and your website visitors? In planning for your marketing for the upcoming year, this is definitely something you should plan on implementing if you haven’t already. And even if you do, you could probably make your list work even harder for you.
Past clients are simply one of the easiest and cheapest form of leads around, so it’s in your best interest to understand why they might not be coming back - and what you can do about it. 1. They forgot. Most people simply don’t think about their Realtor® until they have an immediate need. Soluti
I recently came across an article called The Top Ten Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Fail. In it, the author quoted a recent survey that had been done of real estate agents nationwide, asking them the simple question: “What do you think is the biggest reason real estate agents fail?” Here is a sam
Writing clearly defined, easy-to-measure goals is an important step in making plans for the upcoming year. As Stephen Covey says in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, you must "begin with the end in mind". Having a clear picture of what you want out of your business will make it much easi
Since Web 2.0 is all about connecting and interacting with people around the web, it’s a good idea to try and connect with your target market on more than one site, if possible. But even if you search by email, you may not always find your contacts (different email address, typo’s, etc.). One way
Since Web 2.0 is all about connecting and interacting with people around the web, it’s a good idea to try and connect with your target market on more than one site, if possible. But even if you search by email, you may not always find your contacts (different email address, typo’s, etc.). One way
Now is the perfect time of year to wrap things up and began preparing for the next year. It starts by looking back: What marketing was successful this year? What was a waste of time/money? Be honest with yourself. You may feel you need to have a billboard, or regular newspaper ads, or premium
My post last week, Creative Marketing with Stamps, generated a lot of interest and enthusiasm from my readers. It seems like many of you understand the need to stand out from the crowd, and are looking for some fun, interesting ways to do that. I’m happy to help. Try You may be famil
"What others say about you is 1000 times more powerful than what you say about yourself." We all know that word of mouth is a great way to sell something - whether it's a product or a service. This is a big part of the reason I push referrals. A satisfied client is doing your selling for you. But
I just came across a phenomenally moving video - 212 Degrees the Movie It is a fantastic example of how much difference one extra degree, one extra contact, one extra bit of focus can have on your business, your success, your life. Go, watch the video, then I challenge you to commit to one extra