Joyce Reid's (creativegifts) Blog

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Creative Gifts To Go LLC
25 Tips for Giving Corporate Gifts that ImpressGifts are meant to be given from the heart and corporate gift giving is no different. Gifts humanize business while creating and building relationships.  However, it's all too easy to think "what's in it for me" when we give a gift to a customer or c...
I must confess that I never considered myself to be a gourmet. Now, I find out that I am one after all. Am I the only one who has been confused about that word Gourmet? I always thought it described a certain type of cuisine which was usually exotic, came in small portions, and cost a lot of mon...
Through the years, I’ve dealt with many Realtors.  Most are competent.  Most did a good job.  But one of them stands out from the crowd in my mind.We had just bought a new house in a new town that we knew nothing about.  My husband was being transferred there and I wasn’t overjoyed at being uproo...
There is no definitive origin of Valentine’s Day. As with many of today’s holidays, Valentine’s Day history has its roots in pagan celebrations. February has been the month of “love” dating back to ancient Athens. It’s possible that it was a Roman fertility festival. Another legend assigns the ho...
The Choice is Yours Make this world a better place. Make this industry a better place. Make your home a better place.  A tall order?  Impossible?  Not at all.  You can do it—starting with you.Many years ago, when I was living in Yreka, California, I saw problems in the town — problems that I felt...
When I first saw Smokey Bear at the Washington National Zoo back in 1960, he was already ten years old and well-known to kids everywhere as the symbol of the U.S. Forest Service’s Fire Prevention campaign.The Forest Service had begun it’s campaign in 1944 but the bear was simply one drawn by an a...
If you're not one of the few to whom just thinking about holiday shopping brings gushes of excitement, enthusiasm and intense desire to rush out to the mall, then this article is for you.The countdown has begun. The big day will soon be here.  Here are some hints on how to enjoy the holidays with...
The fourth quarter, with all its many holidays, seems to arrive earlier each year.  Almost before the "back to school" products are off the shelves, the Christmas products begin to appear.  The trick-or-treaters are still picking out their costumes to come knocking on my door while the leaves beg...
Last week, I was attacked by a new kind of pirate -- the cyberspace pirate.  While checking one of the keywords on google for one of my most popular gift products, wine glace, when I saw a listing below mine that was worded exactly the same.  Clicking on it, I was astonished to see my webpage sta...
Most of us are familiar with "The Donald" and his famous TV show, "The Apprentice".  The show became an instant hit and "you're fired" was the buzzword of the moment.  As the show grew and took on a life of its own, the show concept gradually changed and began to slowly lose its brilliance.  At f...

Joyce Reid

Unique Gifts for Marketing and Closings Since 1992
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