~~ATTENTION REALTORS~~   For a Limited time only! is allowing 50 Realtors in Hartford County the opportunity to list their homes for FREE...   Regularly the price is $25 per listing for 30-days. will allow you to post unlimited video, slideshows, a...
There is plenty of blame to go around for the downturn in the economy but the bulk of it should be placed squarely on the unregulated credit bureaus. These agencies  have absolutely no incentive to maintain accruate information on consumers.  The more inaccuracies in a credit file the more credit...
MISTAKE #4: Thinking that listing your home with a realtor will get your house sold fast and solve your problem.Most people think that the person with the real estate license an "expert" at selling houses and can get it done quickly. Maybe you even think the only way you'll ever get your home sol...
MISTAKE #3: Thinking the lender will work with you to get you out of this mess.Sometimes the lender offers you a way to delay your payments. It's called forbearance. They'll act like it's a reasonable solution. But guess what? It's never going to be reasonable or fair for YOU. It's only going to ...
MISTAKE #2: Thinking your friends, family, or attorney know what's best for your situation, and will give you sound advice.Maybe you're already thinking that the smartest thing you could do is sell your home, stop the Foreclosure once and for all, and make a fresh start. Getting from under your d...
MISTAKE #1: Thinking it's too late. There's nothing you can do anyway, and you're "only one or two payments behind" so you may as well wait and see what happens.It's easy to sink into depression and come to a grinding halt when you feel like things are closing in on you. But this is the worst pos...
RISMEDIA, January 6, 2009-Realtors know that today's real estate prospects and consumers are using the Internet in ways that are revolutionizing the industry. By the time a prospect or customer contacts a Realtor, they have been looking at real estate on the Web anywhere from 10 to 40 hours. And ...
MISTAKE #1: Thinking it's too late. There's nothing you can do anyway, and you're "only one or two payments behind" so you may as well wait and see what happens.It's easy to sink into depression and come to a grinding halt when you feel like things are closing in on you. But this is the worst pos...
MISTAKE #1: Thinking it's too late. There's nothing you can do anyway, and you're "only one or two payments behind" so you may as well wait and see what happens.It's easy to sink into depression and come to a grinding halt when you feel like things are closing in on you. But this is the worst po...
Hello Fellow Realtors, have we got a new and improved and for you.   The new site has many features including a "Click to Print" coupon section. What is a "Click to Print coupon" you ask? At and htt...

Paul & N'Marie Crumbie, TeamCrumbz

Everything We Touch Turns to Sold!
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