San Luis Obispo California Real Estate & Living the SLO Life

Real Estate Agent - Nancy Puder & Associates - BRE#00715520
San Luis Obispo County real estate information. What's it's like to live on the Central Coast of California. Covering all your real estate needs from Paso Robles to Santa Maria.



  Woods Weekly Mews A Volunteer Publication September 23rd, 2010     "The cat who doesn't act finicky looses control of his humans" - MorrisMorris the cat made his professional debut in 1968 as the famous 9Lives cat food's "spokes-cat".Did You Know?  The original Morris was a shelter cat named L...
  Arroyo Grande Valley Harbest Ferstival, from 4 to 9pm Friday, 10 to 5pm Saturday.  Includes a parade, entertainment, booths, competitions, food, display areas and more.  Arroyo Grande Village.  FREE  For more information, visit 73RD ARROYO GRANDE VALLEY HARVEST FESTI...
LAST CHANCE "The Crock of Gold" alternating with "The Tavern."  7pm today; 8pm Friday; 4:30 and 8:30 pm Saturday and 6pm Sunday.  The Great American Melodrama and Vaudeville, 1863 Front St., Highway 1, Oceano.  $18 to $22  489.2499 "The Fantastics" 8pm Friday & Saturday; 2pm Sunday, San Luis Obis...
   Recently our community was in an uproar about the plight of "Annie", the border collie who had been adopted by a local family.  Seems Annie belonged to "Chuck" and he had lost her a few weeks ago.   She had no name tag or chip and I'm not sure of all the particulars but the local citizens marc...
The magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology, a prominent aerospace and defense industry publication, recently named Cal Poly the best in the nation for preparing its students for the work place.  Cal Poly moved up to the top spot after a second-place ranking in 2009.  The magazine's list of t...
Mesa Dunes Mobile Home Estates in Arroyo Grande, California       Three hundred manufactured homes sit atop the Nipomo Mesa in Arroyo Grande. The panoramic views are captivating. A sea of golden sand dunes border the bright blue Pacific Ocean.   Lush rolling hills, climb northward to Avila Bay.  ...

Connie Winstead

San Luis Obispo County CA Real Estate Agent
smartphone(805) 441-4601
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What's happening on the Central Coast of California in real estate & living the SLO life.