On Monday morning I reviewed my calendar and noticed that the San Francisco Meet-up was scheduled for today. I shook my head and said to myself "there is NO WAY I'm going to be MAKE that meet-up". You see, I'm flying to Virginia tomorrow to meet the rest of my in-laws, and I had a ton of thing...
Twice in the last week, I have been contacted through Active Rain by Genealogists and Historians who have read my posts. Just by blogging about local oddities or historical structures, I've caught the eye of Internet researchers who are seeking more information about an area they are not or no...
Debbie Reynolds has posted a fun little contest/challenge on Active Rain where we share 10 things about ourselves. I've already written a post about my past, now I'm going to tackle the present. Here goes ... 1. I'm a red head ... still. 2. I am a Pescatarian. That is someone who includes sea...
Debbie Reynolds has posted a fun little contest/challenge on Active Rain where we share 10 things about us from the past. After reading some of the crazy and fun things that people have done, I decided to dig a little into my past to see what I could come up with. Turns out it didn't take too m...
A neighbor of mine asked me to come over to view their home last week. They are in the beginning stages of exploring their "golden years" options, and selling their home is one of them. One of the first things they wanted to share with me, is that their home is now 4 bedrooms instead of 3 bedroom...
Which direction is this house facing? If you are thinking that the buyer clients who ask me this question are into feng shui, you might be right. But there is another reason why this question is a popular one. Indoor plants. In particular, orchids can be difficult to grow, but if you have a f...