Dale Heck's (dalebheck) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Sotheby's International realty
Forced SavingsSome people are just lousy at saving money, and a house is an automatic savings account. You accumulate savings in two ways. Every month, a portion of your payment goes toward the principal. Admittedly, in the early years of the mortgage, this is not much. Over time, however, it acc...
How Financing Details Affect Your OfferMost buyers do not have enough cash available to buy a home, so they need to obtain a mortgage to finance the purchase. Since you will probably make your purchase contingent upon obtaining a mortgage, the seller has the right to be informed of your financing...
Financing FactsWhat To Do FirstObtain a copy of your credit report and check for errors. Do this prior to your lender ordering one. Mistakes are found.Next gather all your financial data. Lenders will want to see bank account statements, paycheck stubs, W-2 forms and tax returns for the last two ...
Determining Your Offer PriceWhen you prepare an offer to purchase a home, you already know the seller's asking price. But what price are you going to offer and how do you come up with that figure?Determining your offer price is a three-step process. First, you look at recent sales of similar prop...
Credit Scoring - How It Works  Credit scoring is a statistical method that lenders use to quickly and objectively assess the credit risk of a loan applicant. The score is a number that rates the likelihood you will pay back a loan. Scores range from 350 (high risk) to 950 (low risk). There are a ...
VA and FHA AppraisalsHome appraisal inspections on FHA and VA loans are a little more detailed than on conventional loans (and more expensive). The appraisers are required to perform certain minimum inspections as well as evaluate the market value of the property. Although these inspections are n...
How FHA and VA Loans Affect Your Offer Extra Costs to the SellerIf you are obtaining a VA or FHA loan in order to finance your purchase, you must include that information in your offer. This is because government loans place additional financial and performance obligations on the seller.Non-Allow...
Escrow and SettlementFor example, you are going to need an escrow or settlement company to act as an "independent third party" between you and the seller. Without having a third party involved, how do you know that when you fork over the money, you are going to get the deed? This is the type of s...
Earnest Money Deposit After you have come up with an offer price, the next step is to determine how large a deposit you want to make with your offer. You want the "earnest money deposit" to be large enough to show the seller you are serious, but not so large you are placing significant funds at r...
MOORE COUNTY TAX RATE CHARTCOUNTY & ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT   1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 COUNTY GENERAL0.450.490.490.530.5450.5450.4750.4750.4550.455 ALS0.            MUNICIPALITIES  1997199819992000200120022003200420052006*AB  ABERDEEN0.500.480.4...

Dale Heck

smartphone(910) 528-4652
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