Dan Hopper's (danhopper) Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Dan Hopper - Gold Way RE
"Foreclosure Do Still Exist!"   Westminster, CO - As we move into the 2nd Qtr of 2013, we still see a trend that does not provide "high" confidence in the economy improvements.  Foreclosures DO still exist, and many STILL do not try to avoid foreclosure with a short sale! With the extension of th...
"The Saga Continues with Stupid Lender!!"  Westminster, CO - Yes, the Saga to this short sale continues.  With the "slow boat from China" approach of CitiMortgage, and the disgusting approach of negotiating WITHOUT good faith from the 2nd lien holder, 21st Mortgage Corp, we are still unsure about...
Investors, Park Your 401K Retirement Plan in This Condo!   Westminster, CO - Another great opportunity for those Investors looking to generate income for their retirement plans! This well maintained Condo in the Prospectors Point complex with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath, can create a positive cash flow...
A Surprise For Our Saturday in Westminster, CO! Westminster, CO - A beautiful Spring day in Colorado has "sprung" upon us overnight!  Of course, we did get a "heads up" about this Spring snow storm, but we are always skeptical about weather reports during this time of the year!  I mean, the weath...
Westminster, CO - The market trends and equity levels are showing improvement through-out the country and in the Broomfield and Westminster areas!  This is a very welcomed trend after so many years of negative growth in sales and home values! While we have seen sales grow by 14% in Single Family...
Economic Snapshot for Broomfield/Westminster - March 2013! Westminster, CO -Another look into the housing market does shed some interesting light on what has occurred over the first couple months into the New Year of 2013!!  View the stats below..   MARCH 2013 ECONOMIC SNAPSHOT OF BROOMFIELD / WE...
Colorado Association of Realtors® News!   Westminster, CO -  It is always encouraging to see what your Realtor® association is doing to support it's members and contribute back to the community.   Colorado's Association has taken it's rightful place in being a very strong organization in promotin...
Month End Inventory of Active Listings in Denver!   Westminster, CO - As expected, Denver Metro home inventory of active home listings continued to shrink while the number of homes sold stayed the same. Denver home inventory continues to drop, as home Sold stays constant!!  Click on the month end...
"Disgusting Lender To Watch Out For!!"   Westminster, CO - Wow, not much to say about this organization that is GOOD or POSITIVE, when working a short sale situation for your client!! They are called, "21st Mortgage Corp", based out of Knoxville, TN.  Their main business is to provide loans on Ma...
2013 February Economic Outlook - Broomfield and Westminster!     Westminster, CO - "The Broomfield/Westminster real estate market continued its active pace in January/2013 as single family homes and attached unit sales outpaced January/2012 sales. Single family home sales were UP 16.59% (281 vs. ...

Dan Hopper

Colorado Broker / Referral Services
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