Dan Hopper's (danhopper) Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Dan Hopper - Gold Way RE
"That's What We're Talking About!!"   Westminster, CO - YES!!  We are so very encouraged to see how our January 2013 stats increased over December 2012 stats in real estate closings!! The good news is that more closings took place, the not so good news is WE NEED MANY MORE good Homes on the marke...
"Do We Have a Challenge Or What?"   Westminster, CO -  Oh BOY, now the fun begins!!  How many times have you come across a situation you just DO NOT KNOW much about, and must still take care of your client's needs, because you are their Real Estate Advocate for their short sale?? This has recentl...
"A Celebration of Life!"   Westminster, CO -  This last Saturday, Feb 2nd, we conducted a "Celebration of Life and a Silent Auction", dedicated to one of our fellow colleagues, MARK CAMERON MUNRO!   Mark had unexpectedly passed away, on December 7, 2012.  I want to take some time to talk about Ma...
"What Was Your First Car You Drove To School?"     Westminster, CO - I decided to step out of the "real estate" blogging post, and introduce something "fun" that I recently came across.  Hope you enjoy this... I believe you CAR BUFFS will. This is really cool. Find your first car or the one you d...
"A Westminster and Denver Short Sale Broker Advocate" Westminster, CO - Confused - Frustrated - Lack Help, when trying to understand how to STOP A FORECLOSURE? When you have been confronted with "life changing" events, a divorce, health costs, job loss or transfer, military depolyment, death of a...
A Happy Conclusion To A Lender Nightmare!     Westminster, CO -  Wow!!  What a crazy ride over the last 5 weeks to achieve a sell and buy for my clients!! Now, keep in mind that these are clients from a sell / buy scenario of about 14 years ago.  So, it is nice to get past clients back around to ...
A Tale Of Two Transactions in Arvada and Westminster, CO! Westminster, CO- Things that go "bump" in the night, can make your hair fall out!  Or in my case, not shave until these transactions get CLOSED!!   Regardless, of the preparation and planning, sometimes there are elements that are just OUT...
January 2013 Economic Outlook for Westminster and Broomfield!!   In taking literary license with Charles Dickens’ opening line in A Tale of Two Cities, the 2012 Broomfield/Westminster real estate market wasn’t the best of times or the worst of times,but it did experience a marked improvement ove...
A Reverse Mortgage Short Sale Conclusion!!     Westminster, CO -How many of you remember the TV Series, Quantum Leap, where Scott Bakula played a character named "Sam", and he would leap into other people's bodies and portray them in their era? Whenever the show was to end, they would show Sam le...
Year End Economic Outlook Update in Broomfield and Westminster!  Westminster, CO - December/2012 Economic Snapshot A look at the current real estate market; provided by RE/MAX ALLIANCE! "This holiday season as you drive through neighborhoods admiring the festive decorations there’s one thing you ...

Dan Hopper

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