Specializing in WordPress Websites

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Services for Real Estate Pros - R & D Art
R & D Art is a web development and marketing/advertising print company for the way the world communicates today. On the web development side we offer web design, hosting, and support services including social media outlets. We specialize in the WordPess platform using it to build a Blog site, an eCommerce site, a static website, or any combination of the three to meet your needs. Each of our builds comes with a custom theme built from the ground up with your input. On the marketing/advertising print side of our business, we manufacture products unique to you and your company. We are knowledgeable professionals with the capability of designing and developing dynamic tools to keep you connected in the fast paced and constantly changing world. When you need a fresh look and responsive team, R & D Art will fulfill that need.
It seems that the number of people who are actually utilizing websites through blogging, storefronts, networks, etc. has been growing at an exponential rate in the past few years. While many people choose to use free blog platforms, many others want complete control over the look and feel and fun...
I have been a blogger for today.com for a long time. I originally joined because I loved to write about sports. The additional pay of $1 per post and $.0022 per unique visitor was an added bonus. When the opportunity came through to add another blog through them and earn more money, I jumped on i...
The seasons are starting to heat up. With the Spring weather trying to break winter's hold and entice people to those great outdoor activities we love, and Summer right around the corner, I am hearing a familiar sound in the distance. Carried on the warming southern winds, is that wedding bells t...
Many of you have known that I have an outside blog site named The Mortgage and More Blog that has been housed by blogger for some time now. Last night, I decided to leave the free service that blogger offers. I have now housed the domain on my servers that I have with host monster and have used w...
*UPDATE* I recieved an EMAIL back from Brande Bradford this morning who sent an inquiry and then got an auto response. Apparently, all the dogs are being placed now. I have removed the email address to contact the people with. This morning my heart cries out for two different causes. I received t...
Owning a truck in the state of Tennessee has been great. Since moving here, I have used my pickup for many different chores. I have hauled furniture, moved soil, transported a ton of gravel, and loaded and unloaded a ton of wood. I am not quite sure where I would be without my Dodge Ram 1500. The...
Today, I have the honor to write my 1000th post since joining ActiveRain. Over my year and a half + membership, I have accomplished a lot of milestones here in the rain. As time does not permit me to be in the rain as much as I have been in the past, reaching this milestone is just as important t...
I am not so sure why New Jersey has caught such a bum rap lately. It has been a long time since I have been up that way, but from what I can remember it is a great place to live. Aside from chemical factories in Newark, I really can not think of a reason that people would not want to live there. ...
When it comes to our military personnel, they really do not ask for a lot from us. They go out day and night and do their job to protect the privileges that some of us take for granted. In the end, all they really want is our respect. This morning I was reminded of this from a video that was sent...
Part of bringing business to your company is putting yourself out there, and one great way to do that is through a related trade show. There are very few industries that don't have some kind of trade show any more, and attending one as a vendor is a great way to let people know you're out there. ...

Danny Thornton

WordPress Guru
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