
Below are the 2009 year end Bellingham Real Estate stats. The numbers are taken from MLS reports. If you are interested in the full report and stat analysis let me know I'll be happy to send it to you. Area 860 - Bellingham Active Listings Month of Dec New Listings - 66 units in '08 to 58 units i...
While prices across Whatcom County on homes that are actually selling (Solds) were lower, we had slightly more units sell in 2009 compared to 2008.  This was quite a turn around from the first half of 2009 when we were down 20 - 30% in the number of units sold compared to first half of 2008. In m...
  Dan Pittsenbarger | Keller Williams | 360-312-5857 Mount Baker boast some of the largest snow falls annually of any ski destination in the world and home of the Mt Baker Bank Slalom snowboarding competition. The nearest homes to the Mt Baker Ski Resort are in and around the town of Glacier, WA...

Dan & Laurie Pittsenbarger Team

Lakeside & Coastal Single Family Homes
smartphone(360) 739-9876
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