
Sudden Valley real estate statistics for 2015. This info is based on Sudden Valley single family Active and Sold homes. As you can see below prices are up and inventory is down. 17 Sudden Valley homes on the market in December. In December 2006, just after our local peak there were 100 homes on t...
Bellingham WA real estate had a great year in 2015. Below are the real estate statistics for both asking prices (list prices) and sold prices on single family homes in Bellingham WA for all of 2015. As you can see both the inventory and market time is down while prices and number of homes sold ar...
It was a great year in real estate for Whatcom County. Here are the stats for Active Listing and Solds for all of Whatcom County as whole.  As you can see both Asking prices and Sold prices are up and the number of units sold is way up by 18.1%.  And you can also see that inventory is down by 22....

Dan & Laurie Pittsenbarger Team

Lakeside & Coastal Single Family Homes
smartphone(360) 739-9876
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