You hear about niche marketing all the time and you give homage to the idea but do you really practice niche marketing? I have to ask this because I'm not a real estate agent. I'm a search marketing consultant. SEO says make #1 for something- that's the rule. Get the first spot. Marketing says g
What's a channel? Well it's not the dial on your TV any more- it's a Silo as Bruce Clay would put it. Don't worry about who is Bruce Clay. Just think of how grain silos get filled up with like types of grain. Wheat in one, barley in another, corn... you get it. Google looks at things in aggregate
Yet another online real estate "clearinghouse" moves closer to your business to steal it away. Everything they give you has its price. Carla reveals yet another hostile move by an online outfit who's ultimate goal is to dominat the farm that until now has been yours.This is the most appalling bre
I do like the microblogging format. I don't mean Twitter necessarily but I have a couple of blogs that use the P2 theme and a few more that imitate Facebook. They are some of my favorite blogs to post to because they are geared toward succinct posts that are brief but not restricted to any number
This morning I saw something I had been expecting to see for some time now. A foreclosure in my neighborhood which seems to be less frequent than one or two years ago. But this one always seemed to me like a foreclosure waiting to happen. There is no magic bullet in real estate SEO to fix poor ma
This is good advice for both buyers and sellers. With agents avoiding short sales like the plague, it serves as encouragement to those willing to do the work... It's the old adage of success coming to those who are willing to do what everyone else won't do. Bob is a third generation realtor in Ph
There are four seats at the short sale bargaining table and problem can arise from any one of them but the player in this high stakes transaction that usually cause the most damage to an otherwise smooth transaction is easily identified as the loan servicer. First let's look at the four above men
Okay, I'm sitting in Starbucks and I am dictating at about 200 words per minute. I'm using Dragon Dictate by Nuance Software. You have probably seen the ads on television. The ads on television make it look almost magical. it's not quite that good but it is an excellent tool, especially when yo
Today's news brings to us another SEO expert from the ranks of Hubpages–well, actually from the top of Hubpages. The SEO now required by Google doesn't work according to Hubpages CEO Paul Edmondson. He said in an interview with that Hubpages has done everything possible to improve their
What happens when your video goes even just a little bit viral? A video page on YouTube can achieve quite a bit of punch in terms of domain authority and ranking ability. Not only did all the homes in the community this video was taken in sell out in short order last summer-mostly thanks to the