The frustrations many homeowners face with Home Insurance are many. They range from high insurance premiums, when to file a claim and somehow avoiding having their policy canceled for what we will call a variety of often what seems to be ridiculous reasons, at least in the eyes of the insured. So...
If there is anything true in purchasing a house, it is this: Not reading the fine print is certainly NOT Better! In fact, failing to read anything you are signing whether it is for a car, 2nd Mortgage or the First Mortgage, can lead you to financial ruin. Just ask the thousands and thousands and ...
The majority of closings I've personally attended have been very positive moments. Buyers and Sellers meet, exchange greetings, keys and helpful information about the property being purchased. Again, most closings are generally uneventful! On the other hand, I've had a handful that has been a dre...
I remember the first time I decided to use my Veteran status to help me secure a Veteran's Loan. This was 35 years ago, before my Real Estate days and I have to admit I was really quite ignorant. I couldn't at that time find information to guide me through the process and as a result, it felt clu...
"Wonderful experience" or "What a Nightmare" is how many people describe the home buying experience. As a Realtor, I've met several individuals and couples who truly did not know, "How to Buy a House". In fact, many people think it's about touring houses first and then doing whatever else is nec...
I've had many purchasers over the years indicate they will NOT be getting a Home Inspection when making the offer to purchase a particular house. Many of those buyers feel they can look things over themselves and as a result save a few hundreds of dollars in what it would have cost by hiring an I...
Many sellers in our current market want to be at the front of the competition when listing their house for sale. In other words, if there are four other houses on the same street for sale, it is not uncommon to want to have the best prepared and priced house. First and foremost, this is a good th...
People often ask me, their Realtor, about the many Tax benefits of Home Ownership. While it certainly isn't the number one question that I'm asked, it still surfaces on a regular basis. Of course I explain to people that I am not an attorney or tax planner. I only know what I've read (like them) ...
I know that many prospective buyers are wondering just when they should jump in to purchase a house. I certainly understand their concern and at the same time the caution that is exhibited. This article just came out today about seller funded down payments that really should be read by all potent...