Real Estate 101 - Northern Virginia

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Real Estate Agent - Classic Realty - Realtor



Like many other Americans, I've started working on the preparation of my tax returns for 2007. One of the first things I've given consideration to, is what can I deduct and more specifically, what isn't deductable on my home? Like you, I'm looking for professional assistance on the subject and as...
It's that time of year again in the Fairfax VA Real Estate area and in fact around the country - Tax Time! Every year about this time I'm always busy gathering all of the information necessary to complete our taxes and I'm sure you are, too! Perhaps, you were a First Time Home Buyer last year. Yo...
Not reading the fine print is NOT Better! In fact, failing to read anything you are signing whether it is for a car, 2nd Mortgage or the First Mortgage, can lead you to financial ruin. Just ask the thousands and thousands and thousands of people who are loosing their home thru foreclosure. As a R...
It is usually mid-winter for me when I think about saving money on energy. This is simply because the bills for our utilities are often higher than what I expected them to be. This year has been no exception! I understand, everything I've read states we need to plan ahead when wanting to save ene...
I will admit I am on a financial soapbox right now. Why? Your personal monetary situation in this market is critical to maintain so that whey you are ready to purchase a home your money will have been properly kept and ready to allow you to make that acquisition.Here is a commentary to read about...
My mailbox has been hit lately with all kinds of ads for a Biweekly Mortgage Program. Because I haven't spent that much time as a Realtor studying this particular issue, I decided to investigate and see if this is really a good deal or perhaps a lot of hype about nothing. In my investigation I ca...
Many people have been asking me about Short Sales. Specifically, how do you do one? First and most important, I believe there are many other things a home owner can do before taking the leap into a Short Sale. On the other hand, if you believe you are in a place where you have no choice but to en...
Many people are currently perplexed in the Fairfax Real Estate market about what to do with their Mortgage. We hear so much about Arm's, Interest Rates and how many people are simply having difficulty paying their Mortgage. Here is an article titled: Best Mortgage Moves to Make in 2008 -- What to...
You are the prospective buyer. Now imagine with me two homes for sale that you are scheduled to tour with your RealtorĀ®. You've set up the appointments, cleared your schedule and you are off and running on the home tour.You drive up to house number one and you note the outside of the house isn't ...
I don't know about you, but at our house conserving energy is a big thing. We all know that energy costs continue to rise with no real relief in site. The only way to truly trim the budget while at the same time being good with the environment is to manage what we have by way of energy resources....

David Burrows

No Pressure, Just Seriously Devoted to Real Estate
local_phone(703) 859-5188
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This blog is written for Buyers and Sellers about the subject of Real Estate. The information is presented in a simple and informative format so that whenever readers have a Real Estate transaction, they will feel more adequately prepared.