Nutrition has never been at the top of my priority list, in fact, you are more likely to catch me with a steak on my plate than a salad. When a friend recommended a documentary to me about the powers of natural healing, I was more than a little skeptical. The documentary was called Food Matters,
Have you ever been in a restaurant and your waiter or waitress was serving you and they had nasty finger nails or they smelled like they have not had a shower or bath? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Nasty. How come they are not clean? Are they lazy or just do not care? When I see thi
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According to the NFIP, flood damage is the most frequently occurring natural disaster damage in the United States. Chances are however, that if you do not live in an area that is prone to flooding, you are probably not that familiar with how to react in the unfortunate event that a flood occurs n