Well in a day and age that we can have things at our finger tips I question why GFEs are wrong all the time. I do not like the government stepping in and telling loan officers that they must be with in a ¼ of a point or they must pay. I do not like this because the government keeps stepping in
I have just got done talking to a friend of mine in TX. We where talking about marketing. Here are the ideas that we realized we hear all the time but most people do not do.1. Decide on the niche you want to market. It is ok to give up a deal to someone else you know has niches. share with ea
Don't make the mistake of closing lots of credit accounts just to improve your score.This seems like a contradiction, but it really is not. Many people think that to improve their credit score, they just have to pay off some debts and close their accounts. This is not exactly accurate. There are
"OPT OUT" NOW GET UP-TO- A 20 POINT CREDIT SCORE BOOST In one fell swoop, you can increase your credit score and cut down on the likelihood that anyone could "hijack" your credit by opting out of receiving unsolicited offers of credit.Within 7 days of "opting out" of such unsolicited credit off
Hello All. I am new to Activerain and like what I see so far. I have been to many of the blogs and like what I have seen. I have learned a lot about what some of you are doing and thought I would share too. I am a true believer in helping people. The more people I help the better I feel. I a