Hi,I would like to share with you the details regarding a new online payment company similar to Paypal.They have just launched an incentive program to gather new members and if you move quickly you can get Up to 525!The company is backed by a bank out of SD and is FDIC insured.It is founded by St
Now you can get your tax deferred growth to come out tax free. Proper retirement planning is a need not a want. How would you like to have 25% of your nest egg taken away at the time that you need it most? Well this is happening to to many people now. What do you think will happen to taxes when
Are you looking for a magic pill to cure your financial woes? The average family is one paycheck away from disaster and has over $8,000 in credit card debt. Are you one in this boat? You must know that, becoming your own bank system is not a magic pill to get you out of the debt woes.
In 2007 the personal savings rate was negative for the first time since the Great Depression. Americans are now spending more than they are making. How is that possible? The previous 10 years saw record breaking growth in both the stock and real estate markets, yet most households need the income
Do you realize how much it is? You spend $0.54 to $0.64 of every earned dollar on taxes and interest alone. Would you like to have it back? Or do you prefer giving it to the banks and the IRS? Are you ready to take control of your money? If Dave Cheatham could show you how to finance something, l
Even though I've been using the Bank On Yourself program for over a 4 years, it was still hard for me to tell people about it.Most articles I've read that bash Bank On Yourself say things like "use insurance to insure yourself not for saving" and "use investments like mutual funds" for investing
Crazy week is sort of an understatement for the amount of economic insanity we've seen this week. Where to even begin.Let's start with oil, black gold, Texas tea. After a larger than expected build in Crude Oil inventories, the price dropped on Wednesday to roughly $87 a barrel. I can't believe I