Some helpful hints for sellers who want to promote energy efficient factors about their home that are small, affordable and often overlookedSkylights and solar tubes offer natuiral daylighting thus saving on electric billsFuit trees can provide both shade to reduce cooling costs and healthy fruit
Just went to see a few houses on the Parade of Homes this weekend. There were some beautiful, well designed, well built houses and some that were not so great. The thing I found distrubing was how many builders and developers were touting themselves as being green because they had used one green
New Mexico is not a wealthy state. things are changing as more here, including the movie industry and more retirees and entrepreneurs relocate to our land of enchantment. However, one of the things we have always had a lot of is manufactured housing because it has been the most affordable option
Sorry if it sounds like I am on a rant asbout this again but really, this is ridiculous. I was reminded of my social worker days today. I worked with a family in which there were 8 children ranging in age from 5 to 22, two parents, a son in law and a grand child in a four bedroom house. When the
Someone wrote recently about getting sellers to keep their homes clean for showings. Among the suggestions was the use of Febreeze as an air freshener. Please note that there are many people that are sensitive or allergic to perfumes and these things can make them sick. (I know 'cause I'm one of
Is anyone out there involved in doing real estate auctions? If so, what has been your experience. I have heard from people that love them for both buyers and sellers. I have seen uprisings among agents infuriated that an agent would use an auction to move a listing that hasn't sold...Many more pe
Recently I previewed a home that was not presnted as a fixer upper but was exactly that. It was quite large, mainly because a second floor addition had been tacked on sometime in the past. The house had good bones--except for the addition. and the original portion of the house was in good condi
This is a question I get asked a lot as an EcoBroker. There is not one simple answer. Overall, a home that uses less embodied energy to build and to maintain and live in while providing a safe, healthy living space for its inhabitants would be the most general answer I am comfortable using. Wha
This has been one of those months when it seems like every client you get turns into a flake befoire your eyes. Then, this morning, a buyer who began wanting to buy land to build on called. Now, in the past they had lowered the price they wanted to pay for raw land by fifteen thousand dollars..
Americans are larger than they used to be. We are taller and heavier. We are not twice as tall or twice as heavy even though our homes have become twice as large. Moving from a 3500 square foot home into a 2000 square foot home certaqinly qualifies as downsizing but I don't think it qualifies as