Blog by Denise O'Dell, Real Estate Agent/Notary

Services for Real Estate Pros - Santa Clarita Mobile Notary
One of the best ways to increase your notary business is to advertise, advertise, advertise!  Get your name out there as much as possible. Add your profile on major notary directories such as and  You can also use traditional forms of advertising (i.e. handing out ...
In addition to the $10 per signature a mobile notary charges to notarize a document at a California jail, prison or detention center, mobile notaries also charge additional fees for their services, such as travel fees, wait time, parking, etc.  At Pitchess Detention Centerin Castaic, California, ...
The IRS has recently changed the standard mileage rate write-off for miles driven from July 1 through December 31, 2008 Due to Gasoline price increases. The IRS has recently changed the standard mileage rate write-off for miles driven from July 1 through December 31, 2008 Due to Gasoline price i...
Assuring a signer whose signature is being acknowledged understands the document and is signing the document willingly is an essential function of a notary taking an acknowledgment.   It was recommended by the American Society of Notaries that notaries should perform a verbal ceremony for either ...
Even if your state hasn't implemented a law regarding the use of cell phones while driving, you'll be sure to get a laugh out of this one! Everyone should know about the new law in California by nowwhich became effective 7/1/08. There have certainly been enough blogs on the subject. This video is...
Since so many of us use these devices on a daily basis, I thought I'd pass this info along.  It's from a Wells Fargo Bank newsletter: "Cell phones and smartphones are now being increasingly used to spread viruses and steal personal information. One key sign you're opening yourself up to a virus i...
Want to know how you can get a free headset for your cell phone?  With the new cell phone law in effect as of 7/1/08, you'll need one in California!  Check out  They have some decent headsets that you can buy for free (yes you heard that right!) and some good ...
Last week, Yahoo started offering free e-mail accounts under two new designations in an effort to attract Web surfers. You can now get new email addresses under the domains of "ymail" and "rocketmail."  I already got a couple (i.e.  You can get more than one too ... for free!)  To...
If a signer has a hearing impairment, can you still notarize a document for them? Answer:  Yes.  However, no third-party interpreter may be used because they may misrepresent information.  The notary may use sign language, write or type notes in order to directly communicate with the signer, and ...
In some states*, notaries may use credible witnesses on acknowledgments and jurats when a person whose signature is being notarized does not have any identification.  The following Credible Witness Affidavit could be used -- but not required according to the NNA -- in addition to the standard pro...