BOOK REVIEW 'WATER FOR ELEPHANTS' by Sara Gruen If you don't follow my Blog, then let me just start out by saying... I don't have a favorite author, but I do have a few that I really like. I'm alway's open to suggestions, so if you've read a book that you just couldn't put down until you finis...
(Not So) Speechless Sunday 7/24/11Honey, Your Roots Are Showing More photos from our recent exploration of trails on the NC Blue Ridge Parkway. These pix were taken on the Linn Cove Viaduct Trail, which can be accessed off the Linn Cove Visitor's Center parking lot. Did you know that ...
Shutterbug Saturday 7/23/11 | Waterfall Jumping During our vacation this month we visited many areas along the NC Blue Ridge Parkway and NC State Parks. One of the state parks that we had never visited before is home to Elk River Falls. We had read that it was a favorite swimming hole for t...
FRIDAY FOTOS 7/22/11 | THE VACATION IS OVER We spent a wonderful 2 weeks in the mountains of North Carolina. Our dogs, Bree Bree & Bazil, go with us just about everywhere that dogs are allowed. We went hiking, shopping, out to eat & MORE hiking, shopping & eating...well, you get the idea! ...
PINEHURST LIVING | FUN THINGS TO DO JULY 22ND-24TH 2011 Summer HEAT is upon us…Here’s this weekend’s HOT Lineup! Stay Cool Everyone!!! (I'll be updating this post if I hear of anything else that is going on, so check back often. Last Update: 7/23 @2:40pm) FRIDAY | July 22nd It's JAZZY FRIDA...
PINEHURST LIVING | FUN THINGS TO DO JUNE 3RD-5TH HOT Lineup On Tap This Weekend!!! (I'll be updating this post if I hear of anything else that is going on, so check back often. Last Update: 6/5 @ 3:25pm) Starts FRIDAY | June 3rd-24th ART EXHIBIT at Campbell House Galleries 6-8pm | 482 E. Con...
PINEHURST LIVING | FUN THINGS TO DO MAY 25TH-29TH HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! (I'll be updating this post if I hear of anything else that is going on, so check back often. Last Update: 5/25 @ 3:30pm) WEDNESDAY | May 25th LIVE MUSIC featuring Pete Wilson at The Jefferson Inn TONIGHT! ½ Pric...
The WORLD Is Still Spinning, The SUN Is Still Shining, The Wind is Still Blowing, The BIRDS Are Still Singing, AND, It ALL Smells Good To ME!!! Have a GREAT WEEKEND Everyone! Sincerely...Your Pinehurst NC Real Estate Experts! Denise, Bree Bree & BasilIf you're looking for your piece of the pie...
PINEHURST LIVING | FUN THINGS TO DO MAY 20th-22nd (I'll be updating this post if I hear of anything else that is going on, so check back often. Last Update: 5/20 @ 1:00pm) FRIDAY-SATURDAY | May 20th-21st Last chance to visit the Designer Show House at Inchalene (765 E. Connecticut Avenue, So...
Sandhills Farm to Table Cooperative "Neighbors Feeding Neighbors" I've tried my hand at 'Backyard Gardening' the past couple of years. I do enjoy it... but it takes time, work and a little bit of luck to grow good veggies!!! Time is something I don't seem to have much of these days...Work...