Dennis Toomey's (dennis2me) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX Action



IL – If you are thinking of short selling your house, then you have probably about forensic loan audits. Some claim they are wonderful. "Your lender will approve your short sale right away", one so called expert claimed. "Your lender is more likely to give you a loan modification after you disco...
IL – Short sales can drag out. It takes 1-2 months to sell the house. Then, the short sale negotiations start. They can drag out for 3-6 months. In the meantime, if you aren’t paying on the mortgage, then the lender will be trying to foreclose on the house. Here is a tactic you can use to delay ...
IL – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Katie. Here was her question. I am an agent and I am helping someone short sell their house. X Lender (to remain unnamed) claims that they have sent a short sale package to the seller a couple of times. But, they haven’t becau...
IL – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Dave. Here was his question. “I would like to short sale my house. However, the foreclosure has already started. I don’t know how soon the bank is going to come and kick me out. Can I still short sale? Or, is it to late? Dave....
IL – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Chuck. Here was his question. “I'm trying to short sale. I received a note from my Insurance agent that my Homeowners insurance will be cancelling as of this month because the insurance company went under. My insurance agent t...
IL – A good short sale realtor will mean the difference between success and failure on your short sale. Here are the qualities that make a good, effective short sale realtor. Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure. Persistence. Short sales ...
IL – We often get asked if a short sale is even worth the effort. “Do I need to have my short sale “Approved” by my lender before I put my home on the market?” one seller asked us. “When I called my lender they wouldn’t talk to me about my short sale. I am concerned that they might do that when ...
IL – Working to convince a bank to approve a short sale is what I do every day. I work with lenders on a daily basis. I understand the importance of starting the process in a way that is likely to succeed with the lender’s loss mitigation department. Click here to discover how other sellers succ...
IL – Most state governments have determined that the practice of offering consulting services to those with delinquent mortgages presents an opportunity for abuse. You don’t need to pay any consulting fees to get the help that you need to resolve your unpaid loan. Click here to discover how othe...
IL – Patience, persistence, and a lot of experience is required to convince a lender to approve a short sale. It is a process with many steps. Do “NOT” allow a buyer to work directly with your lender! Don’t let the buyer speak for you. You will be required to provide so much financial informatio...

Dennis Toomey

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