David's Blog

Home Inspector - Helm Home Inspections
My blogs are open to anyone willing to read them. I invite comments on all topics and will respond to any and all comments as soon as I can.
First a disclaimer.  This is all in jest and is not meant to offend anyone.  I spend a lot of time looking at listings, because I am a very small time RE investor.  I always get a kick out of the adjectives used to describe homes in these listings.  The following are some of my definitions.ELEGAN...
I had the occasion to work in the village of Glacier yesterday.  It was a grey rainy day but thought I might take a few pictures of the diversity we find on State Route 542, more commonly known as the Mt. Baker Highway.  This road travels from near the water in Bellingham, through small towns and...
There are a number of magnificent trails in and around Bellingham, Washington.  They are all a part of the city's Greenways program.  Here is a list of five that Bellinghamsters use regularly.1.  Interurban Trail - This trail, for much of its distance, follows the old interurban rail line road be...
On Saturday and Sunday, June 23 and 24, the 21st Annual Tour of Private Gardens, put on by the Whatcom Horticultural Society, will take place.  This is a magnificent, self guided tour, of usually, 5 to 6 private gardens.  My own garden was on this tour a few years ago.  This years gardens include...
This outdoor art blog, the third in a series, features art found in Downtown Bellingham, Washington.  The sculptures on the back lawn of the Bellingham Public Library, are part of a revolving display.  Pieces are kept for a period of time, then replaced by others.  Some of the downtown Bellingham...
This post about outdoor art shows the collection of the Whatcom Community College.  While the Bellingham Technical College art is mostly local, the Whatcom Community College collection is by nationally and internationally known artists.  The collection is small but growing.  It is well worth seei...
  Bellingham, Washington is a town that is known for its patronship of the arts.  This blog series celebrates sculpture at various venues around the town.  The first venue is the campus of Bellingham Technical College.  This school, one of the most dynamic technical schools in the country, hosts ...
On the Lake Louise Rd. route out to Sudden Valley one can notice an unmarked small parking lot on the left.  This is parking for the trailhead at Stimson Family Nature Reserve.  The core of this reserve was donated to the Whatcom Land Trust in the year 2000 in memory of Edward and Catharine Stims...
This is a continuation of my blog on Bellingham, Washington historic homes.  Most of these are in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Bellingham.  The neighborhood is very desirable, and has seen major appreciation in values over the last several years.                                             ...
This historic home deserves more mention primarily because it is one of the finest examples locally of the genre called Craftsman.  It is fully restored, on the national and state registers of historic homes and is a local resource, being part of the Whatcom County Park System.  The home was buil...

David Helm

Bellingham, Wa. Licensed Home Insp
local_phone(360) 739-5751
smartphone(360) 739-5751
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My blogs offer a wide range of topics, from home inspection to cooking to woodworking to gardening to local area information and photos. I love talking about Bellingham, Washington and its surrounding area. Home inspection is my work; life is my passion.