I heard a great story yesterday from the Keller Williams office I work with in Wausau, Wisconsin.One of our newer hires, who came to us from another firm but is relatively new in the business, had her first listing appointment last week. The appointment came about as a walk in to the office. He...
You have been invited by ART BLANCHET to join in a live TalkShoe phone conversation and chat. Recorded audio is also available for listening.Listen to or Join the Talkcast: THE SECRET TalkCast (join within 15 minutes of start time or anytime after)Talkcast information: Talkcast Name: THE SECRET T...
Last night I had the opportunity to spend 1 hour in an orientation session for a local non-profit called "Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)" with 5 of my fellow agents. This organization helps families get back in to homes after they find themselves homeless. One of my offices is pairing up ...
Hi-One excercise that I've been coached to do for each of my real estate offices is to create a Mission, Vision., Values, Beliefs and Perspectives proposition for the firm. It's a great excercise for culture and team building and can be accomplished in a number of different ways. My youngest of...
I attended a meeting on Friday of the MLS Board of Directors for the 3 largest MLS' in the state of Wisconsin. This group represents roughly 14, 000 of the 19,000 members of the state REALTOR association. A significant group to say the least. The MLS Board's were South Central Wisconsin (Madiso...