How I Used A Secured Credit Card To Improve My Credit Scores 2http://www.KingwoodMortgageGuys.comFirst I want to thank all of the people who watched and commented on the first edition of How to raise scores using a secure card. I did that video several years ago. Since I did that video I receive ...
I have been doing research on this subject and plan on having a Home Buyer Webby Tuesday Evening March 22nd @7:00pm Central time.The last thing you want to do is buy a home and not really be ready. Hopefully you will have chosen responsible professionals to help you, but every once in a while you...
How To Raise Your Credit Score Using A Secure Card http://www.kingwoodmortgageguys.comMike explains in detail how to use a secure credit card to raise your credit score. Mike notes the biggest challenge is knowing how the credit bureau's scores are calculated. Most people have no idea how scores ...