The below is an excellent blog about choosing your lender. I agree with it totally! I'd like to add that finding a customer oriented lender is paramount in this market. He/She needs to keep a watchful eye on the rates and not be shy about calling you the minute they think you should lock in your ...
At a Glance: 1.Affordability is at an all-time high. The median mortgage payment on the median priced home as a percentage of the median household income is lower than it's been in a generation. 2.Mortgage rates are at rock bottom. It's hard to imagine interest rates going much lower, and when th...
I was reading a blog today about buyers that can't make a decision on a home and their Realtor was driving them around to dozens and dozens of homes week after week. Been there, done that, don't do it any longer! My daughter graduated from Virginia Tech with a major in Hospitality and a minor in ...
This is a wonderful blog about the importance of ALL sellers meeting with the agent they are interviewing for the listing of their property. Yes, we all want to hear 'the price' and the necessary/recommended repairs as well as the marketing strategy from that listing agent. But let's face it: We ...
I was reading a blog this morning from a 'newbie' which really made me start thinking about how valuable blogging is...if you stick with it! 1. It is invaluable learning what you agents are thinking and going through on a daily basis. 2. Posting my listings here has been wonderful in regards to y...
Outside of Hawaii, the termite companies tell us Virginia is the number one termite capital of the US. I tell all of my clients, upon purchase, they MUST stay under termite contract, even if they can't afford the $95 annually. Please read below for details on why. This agent is writing from Cali...
OK….I admit it….I’ve gained the equivalent of a beer six pack! I’m a fat real estate least in my eyes. How many exercise info commercials can you watch before you finally admit it to yourself? Yes YOU! You know who I’m talking to! I thought it would be fun to hang out on YouTube for a...
OK....I admit it....I've gained the equivalent of a beer six pack! I'm a fat real estate least in my eyes. How many exercise info commercials can you watch before you finally admit it to yourself? Yes YOU! You know who I'm talking to! I thought it would be fun to hang o...