Douglas Ching's (douglasching) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros



Yet another awesome blog from Brad.  What makes your blogs different then everybody else?  We all know that a colorful button will be clicked on more then a grey box.  Companies have spent millions of dollars researching the effect that different colors and icons have on the user.  (They did this...
Their are many tips and strategies to increasing your SEO of your blogs/content.  We all want that coveted 1st page of Google for our search results, who wants page 5? In a world where you are competing against others every little bit of SEO help places you further to the top. This blog teaches y...
Localism!  The power of Localism is absolutely unbelievable.  Want yet another spot on the first page of Google?  What if (all) your blogs could be linked together and pulled up under all the other searches that each blog generates in Google?  Sounds to good to be true? If you do not understand h...
Why do children's books all have pictures?  Why does every major company have a "symbol", when you order pizza do you want to see a block of text about pizza or do you want to see a perfectly baked pizza when you land on that site? PICTURE PICTURES PICTURES!!  I would say this is easily as import...
Video has dominated every aspect of our lives.  From television to your computer screen we are "programed" to be receptive to video.  From entertainment, ordering pizza to finding a home, if you want to have a powerful online presence then having video is simply a must.  I just finished reading E...
We have many different choices for Headers for your Outside Blog.  But for those that want to be unique this blog will explain and give you a tutorial of how to customize your own header. I get asked often how I created my custom header for both my ActiveRain Blog and also my Outside Blog.  The p...
ActiveRain is a social network.  Use your friends and the connections you have made to help build each others business!  Most members do not use this function but it is one of the most powerful features here at AR.   Each member who is a Rainmaker has a Outside Blog and the Grandfathered rainmake...
If you started out like me and got frustrated with trying to get your pictures to go where you want them too this blog is for you!  This teaches you how to move those pictures where you want them! The number 1 question that I get asked each week by new members is how to insert photos into your bl...
Fast food is popular for a reason.  The easier it is to contact you the more contacts you will receive.  This explains how to create a button that can be placed on your blogs allowing a reader to instantly connect with you.Last week I wrote a post on Google Voice for real estate professionals, ho...
Want to know how much traffic that blog you wrote is getting?  We have all the Statistics with the click of a button learn how many people are reading your information.5 Tools and Resources for Tracking and Monitoring Your Blog or sites Traffic and Statistics Now that you are getting more traffic...

Douglas Ching

smartphone(206) 218-8939
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