Electronic signatures have become my new normal because of how quickly I can get things done - time is of the essence after all. Not everyone is on board just yet but I've heard rumors of even [some] banks embracing its efficiency! How about that?!I can't imagine my business without DocuSign and,
Apparently, my odds of dying from a bee sting are far greater than winning the Powerball Jackpot. It's also a lot more likely that I hit a deer in Hawaii, be attacked by a shark or struck by lightning. Hmm. Thanks CNN - what a reality check! But it's not going to stop me. After all, even that one
The Symphony of Lights in Columbia, MD opened November 17th for the 2012 Holiday Season. It features more than 70 light creations throughout the Symphony Woods, a drive that takes about 20 to 30 minutes. Count the presents along the way and enter to win 4 hrs. of limousine service, tickets to Tob
Trying to set up home tours in the Silver Spring, MD area has never been the easiest task. Mostly it is because everyone has different appointment contacts: call the showing service, contact the listing agent, call the alternate agent, call the owner ...Imagine, when you have a list of 5 to 10 po
This whole Thanksgiving-Black-Thursday debate has really got me thinking. It irks me how the big-box retailers are attempting to encroach on my precious family time and are trying to convince me that skipping Thanksgiving to wait in line for hours to score big time on umm .. stuff is what happy h
Show your Support for Maryland Small BusinessesSkip the Malls this Saturday and enjoy a different shopping experience, November 24th, 2012 is Small Business Saturday®! It is the U.S. Small Business Administration's mission "to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business conce
During a few Sunday home-tours in the Silver Spring, MD area recently it just so happened that a couple of the homes my buyers and I had on our list also had scheduled open houses. I witnessed a very interesting phenomenon .. the open houses were a zoo! I have not seen that much activity at any o
The 20905 zip-code of Silver Spring, MD experienced a very strong spring & summer this year: a steady increase in number of sales and an average sales price in the mid-to-upper 400Ks. However, the momentum did not keep going and the October 2012 statistics for 20905 are not nearly as positive wit
During a Home Tour in Laurel, MD today, my buyers and I stumbled upon this nice collection: I have seen a lot during my 9 years now as a Silver Spring, MD area Realtor® but this mountain of shoes was a first for me, too. I had a mixed reaction, as a woman I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of en
Seven homes sold during October 2012 in Brookeville, MD. All were detached homes and sold after an average of 79 days on the market. The average sold price was $498,143, compared to an average list price of $518,014 it represents a 96% sold-to-list price ratio. The October 2012 statistics are a g