Realtor on the Run in Silver Spring & beyond.

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Real Estate Agent - Thompson Company, REALTORS® 240.593.2860 - MD594797
Andrea Bedard has been assisting home buyers and sellers in Silver Spring, MD and (far) beyond since 2004. She is fluent in Real Estate and German, pro preservation, passion and coffee fueled. Ready to write your unique Real Estate story? Contact Andrea at 240-593-2860. Happy ending guaranteed!



Being part of a family-owned, neighborhood-oriented, independent and small Real Estate brokerage has many perks. One is the network that I can fall back on and ask for help or advice. There is a general contractor, a landscaper, an interior decorator, an HVAC guy .. and each and every one of them...
7 weeks on the market, 3 very busy open houses and 3 offers later, this gem of a home in the Colesville Outside subdivision in Burtonsville is SOLD. The backyard oasis drew quite the crowd! I don't think I have ever had that many potential buyers linger for an hour or so during open houses to tak...
Are you a home owner in 20905 Silver Spring, MD who would like to sell but think it is better to wait until Spring? Please reconsider! Home wanted in 20905 Silver Spring, MD! Many people think that Spring is the time to sell a house and assume that nobody is out looking during Fall and Winter. It...
Today was such a gorgeous Fall day, the sky blue and the air crisp. Perfect for a hike, or a "bear-hunt", in Howard County, MD. My girls and I love to go for hikes and have mastered quite a few miles of the trails in Patapsco Valley State Park. Today we decided to explore the Middle Patuxent Envi...
Maryland Lead-Based Paint Law Update If your Silver Spring, MD & beyond property was built before 1978 and is currently rented - or will be in the future - then you need to pay attention to the Maryland Lead-Based Paint Law Update. Starting January 1st, 2015 ALL rental properties built pre-1978 a...
I LOVE referrals. I do. It is the biggest compliment that I could possibly receive. It shows that I got the job done, my passion shined, my hard work paid off and my clients were happy. I appreciate every referral, no matter the price range and circumstances and get to work right away. Sometimes,...
What's Fall like in Maryland? Pretty, colorful and fun! Fall in Maryland is all about: Pumpkins & Apples There are a number of pick-your-own-pumpkin patches, my personal favorite has always been Sharp's at Waterford Farm in Brookeville, MD. Larriland is the place to go to pick-your-own apples. Ex...

Andrea Bedard

Fluent in Real Estate & German, M.A. ABR ASP CIPS
local_phone(301) 384-9177
smartphone(240) 593-2860
Contact The Author
Andrea's blog is about (g)local Real Estate, family-owned businesses, Main St USA, neighborhood info and happenings in MoCo & HoCo and (far) beyond.

It's sprinkled with sound advice and a candid perspective, sweetened by her vintage soul and topped off with her passion for Real Estate, travel, running, and the 2 most important people in her life. Andrea is an ABR (Accredited Buyer's Representative), bilingual, and holds the distinguished Certified International Property Specialist designation.