Jake Planton's blog

Mortgage and Lending - www.JakePlanton.com - 209327
Rose City Mortgage donates $100 to the charity of our clents choice at each loan closing.  Here are our numbers for August: Donations for August - $1000 to Dove Lewis, $1400 to Oregon Food Bank, $400 to Mercy Corp, $200 to Amazon Dragons, $1000 to Cascade Aids Project, $412.50 (in kind) to Three ...
The first commercial to be done on myself and Rose City Mortgage Specialists: Jake Planton - Rose City Mortgage from BLUEVOICE MEDIA on Vimeo.
10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD WAIT TO BUY IN THIS MARKET....   With all the posts out there about how now is the best time in history to run out and buy a home, I thought it only fair to show you the reasons that you should not do so. The last thing this economy needs is for consumers to start spend...
Here is the first part of a series of commercials I am working on for myself, and my company.  What do you all think? http://www.vimeo.com/4566228  
I sent out a brief update on the HVCC to my friends, clients, and partners.  I got a lot of great responses, but this one was the most interesting:   I actually know a great deal about this. It was bornout of an incredible number of incompetent or fraudulent appraisals by incompetent or dishonest...
Friday, May 1st, 2009 began the implementation of new rules and guidelines in regards to appraisals.  The new rule is called the Home Valuation Code of Conduct.  In the past, when I wanted to order an appraisal, I would call my appraiser, and set up an order for them to go out and do the appraisa...
Rates are really great right now.  Here is my rate update that I posted on my blog, www.JakePlanton.com/blog: There are so many factors on EVERY loan that it can be dangerous to quote.  Keep in mind that rates can change hourly on busy days, so this is just a snap shot in time.  I want to try and...
Most people in our industry are hurting right now.  Appraisers, brokers, loan officers, contractors, and yes, lenders.  There appears to be lots of animosity towards lenders these days, and I think I understand most of people's issues.  But, they are there to try and be a partner for us.  Without...
Every time I tell people how great of a place it is that I work at, they are always wondering why do I say that?  What makes it so great?  There are lots of reasons why Rose City Mortgage is such a great place to work.  It was all re-affirmed, though, this past Thursday evening.  At the Oregon Bu...
Every time I tell people how great of a place it is that I work at, they are always wondering why do I say that?  What makes it so great?  There are lots of reasons why Rose City Mortgage is such a great place to work.  It was all re-affirmed, though, this past Thursday evening.  At the Oregon Bu...

Jake Planton

smartphone(503) 475-3788
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