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Friday Flags A Final Half Mast Flag in Prospect CTJust off the center of the town is a manmade lake, called McGrath Pond. and earlier in the day I went by to see someone fishing well off the bank.  The flag on the pole adjacent to the pond monument was still at half-mast also and while the wind w...
Friday Flags A Friendly Breeze in Naugatuck CTThe strong winds have been a story across the country and in some areas for the damage they are causing.They afforded me an opportunity to capture a flag, which I appreciated.The building was vacant, but the yard was loaded with delivery trucks. The b...
Friday Flags: A Patriotic Prospect CT Pizza RestaurantAs I make my runs through the area, I am always looking for a possibility of a flag for this Friday Flags series.This week was also special for the National Pizza Week recognition.So, it seemed so appropriate to combine the two, when I spotted...
National Pizza Week: Jan 12 to Jan 18, 2025It's National Pizza Week across the country, maybe the world and I feel so cheated.Imagine the shock to reading the headline above and look at the date and feel as though something was taken from you?I recognize that there are all manner of issues around...
Flags At Half Mast For Respect in Prospect CT 1.09.25As our nation paid its last respects to a President that was always caring and may have been in office at the wrong time, which cost him a re-election, many wish for leaders that had half his heart, or did so much.It ws a windy day in the North...
Hoping 2025 Brings Health, Prosperity and HappinessThe first day of each new year brings much hope and many a resolution. By the second week of the new year the majority of the resolutions have been forgotten.One can only hope that the hope remains and as all proceed into the year the sprit thriv...

Ed Silva, 203-206-0754

Associate Real Estate Broker
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