I am running for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2014 against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Florida Congressional District 23. Here is why I believe I am qualified to be YOUR voice in Congress. Losing my wonderful father at 13 cost me the role model most people have in their corner until much lat...
Recently on Short Sales Super Stars someone wrote a blog making a blanket statement about why Realtors should not handle short sales. I SAW RED, and here was my response. Your comments are appreciated: For the most part I would agree with you that most Realtors should not handle their own shor...
Been working a short sale with Wells Fargo for TWO YEARS. We've had over five CASH offers $50,000 to $60,000 on 9 NE 9 Ct., Fort Lauderdale, Florida that were ALL TURNED DOWN! About a year ago they tried an auction company that did online auctions. I held open houses for them and made the prope...
Wall Street Gone Wild! Strategic Defaults? There was a fraud perpetrated on the American people by no less than Wall Street and the Federal Government. And, if you don't believe it, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you that goes from Brooklyn to Manhattan. Or, you have your head buried where the ...
This is what it's all about. Months ago I knocked on a door of a home owner in Pembroke Falls which is in my neighborhood. His mother and him were three weeks from the foreclosure sale. I was able generate an "arms length" offer, stop the foreclosure sale and we closed on the home January 3, 2...
I only caught the tail end of Barney Frank interview on the Bill O'reilly show on Fox. The man (Frank) is a traitor at best and a crook at the least. He and Wild Bill (another traitor) were responsible for the collapse of the economy with the repeal of Glass Steagall when they orchestrated the Gr...
You may or may not agree with what I am saying. I have been struggling with short sales for going on five years (right Alex?) and have +/-300 approvals, I am still personally involved in each and every negotiation even though I have assistance, In my opinion BOA, Wells, Chase, GMAC, SunTrust and ...
Military active duty, retired and veterans who are Realtors. There are so many associations based on nationality, gender, etc. why not an association such as, Realtor Association of Military Veterans? We know what we are and what we stand for. We have wonderful traits such as honor, trust, integr...
Google Saul Alinsky, Obama's mentor, "Divide & Conquer". Folks, Obama wrote it on the wall it was in plain sight and the "masses" misread it. They do not understand what the "Change" Obama (New World Order) is about. America was founded because the Colonist wanted to escape government control ...
Google Saul Alinsky, Obama's mentor, "Divide & Conquer". Folks, Obama wrote it on the wall it was in plain sight and the "masses" misread it. They do not understand what the "Change" Obama (New World Order) is about. America was founded because the Colonist wanted to escape government control ...