I love dogs, I love them in all shapes and sizes. I'm a doggy mommy to three particularly hairy beasts, I can't go anywhere ithout being covered in dog hair, at first I fought it, but now, I think no outfit is complete without dog fur! Of my three furry beasts, two of them I rescued from the loc
The expert panel is Buddy, The driver. He's 2 years old a pedigree Alaskan Malamute who's as cute as a button and he knows it, He's also spoiled rotten!!Koda the Co-pilot, he's about 6 years old we think, we adopted him from the local dog shelter. He's a German Shepherd , Alaskan Malamute m
I'm an avid dog lover, I have 3 furry babies. Buddy my pedigree Alskan Malamute, Koda My German shepherd / Malmute mix and Nanook, buddy's puppy, the labrador / Malamute mix. It took me a long time to figure out where the closest dogs parks to Green Valley were, when I forst moved to Henderson,
I started a new program a couple of months back. I receive the Notice of default list that seems to grow everyday and I had a brainwave. I thought I could help these people and explain the options. So I wrote a letter to them teling them what the Notice of default was, I told them to get in to
Maybe it's just me, but as I do a lot of Open Houses I have noticed the houses that are professionally staged sell a lot faster and for a lot money. As a rule now I choose not to host an Open House at a vacant property, mostly because I find it hard to lug all my equipment and tables and chairs
With the market being as it is right now, Realtors need to double their efforts and need to work extra hard to make those hard earned commissions, however its worthwhile remembering a commission check isn't as important as your own personal safety. I host 3 to 4 open houses a week, however I alwa
I got a call 2 days ago while driving down the 95 freeway. As a good Real Estate consult I did not answer this particular call while I was driving at 65 M.p.h, instead I allowed the call to go to voicemail till I reached a place where I could talk. When I got to my office i reviewed my voicemail